Top software to automatically send messages, like, comment Facebook

To automatically send Facebook messages, likes, comments, we need to use specialized software to perform automatically.

Facebook is now not only a space for exchanges and entertainment but has become a means to promote products, buy and sell products. With the Facebook Fanpage sales, Facebook interface is set up a lot of support features, in order to increase interaction with customers such as setting up automatic message replies on Fanpage. However, just using this feature is not enough, but currently you can auto like, comment on Facebook with some specialized software.

The following article will summarize some software that automatically send Facebook messages, likes, comments to readers for reference.

Top software auto like, text, comment Fb

1. Facebook Fplus software

Facebook Fplus provides you with many useful features to manage Facebook business and sales. With Facebook Fplus you can:

  1. Post to the group: articles, albums, statu, products into the sales group .
  2. Support your friends: share photos, articles . on your friends' walls, interact with friends, automatically confirm making friends .
  3. Page management: share articles from other pages to the page you manage, share photos, posts to other pages, invite your friends like your page.
  4. Comment: automatically comment posted, automatically comment on posts friends .
  5. Send message: send message by group member list, send message by page to person who has inbox page, comment page .

There are also many other features that the software supports you when we manage our page.

Picture 1 of Top software to automatically send messages, like, comment Facebook

2. Software Puziness

Puziness software not only sales and marketing but also helps you manage sales orders and manage staff. The software will manage all comments and messages in 1 window for you to manage. All comments containing customer phone numbers are automatically hidden.

In addition, with Puziness, the comments or messages are automatically answered when you have not responded to the customer. Customers in Fanpage will automatically receive ads that have established Puziness that we do not need to pay any extra fees.

3. Simple Account software

When using Simple Account, you do not need to spend too much time and personnel to operate and manage your Facebook account. You can schedule automatic comment, like, join the group, or post to the group. This helps us interact better. You can also set up comment types for automatic answering software. Or users choose to schedule posting time by content, avoid cases of Facebook spamming posts or blocking the posting feature. Overall, Simple Account is a Facebook solution that manages sales effectively, reliably and is very safe to use.

Picture 2 of Top software to automatically send messages, like, comment Facebook

4. Fanpage Ninja software

The software helps you manage and connect multiple Fanpage at the same time, easily handle comments or messages in the same window. All messages and comments on Fanpage are grouped. This helps us track more, increase interaction with our customers. Comments with phone numbers will be hidden to avoid revealing customer information. In addition, messages or comments are automatically answered.

5. Facebook Sniper software

Facebook Sniper brings together different software according to each customer's needs to use. For example, with Sniper Seeding Facebook, the software will automatically like, comment on sales posts, increase the ability of latching effectively, Sniper Nurture Facebook manages a large, professional, Facebook account, sales support . Each The software brings certain efficiency in managing Facebook or Fanpage, saving time and personnel for implementation.

Picture 3 of Top software to automatically send messages, like, comment Facebook

Update 04 May 2020


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