The 15 most 'quality' science websites today

Visit them every day so as not to miss interesting information about astronomy, cosmos, archeology, geography, anthropology and many more.

The 21st century emerged as an era of science, technology and powerful breakthroughs in the journey of deepening the world's mysteries. Therefore, regularly updating related news will help you not to miss the best achievements and cultivate your knowledge.

Here are 15 most reliable and up-to-date websites in the field of science that we should not ignore.


HowStuffWorks is an extremely useful website founded by Marshall Brain that provides readers with a deep understanding of the formation, operation and operation of all the things that exist in the world. Currently, this website is focusing mainly on fields such as science, machinery, home appliances, life, entertainment . and content contributed by the editorial staff, artists and the best pens.


Picture 1 of The 15 most 'quality' science websites today

The NASA's Discovery Program provides scientists with the opportunity to dig deeper into their imagination and seek ways to improve the mysteries of the Solar System. Starting operations in 1992, this program is currently attracting the attention of millions of researchers, scholars and many other professionals. If you are interested in science and want to learn more about the activities of the US Aerospace Agency, this website should be included in your "marked" list immediately.


LiveScience is a scientific news site that was launched in 2004 but it was not until 2007 that it began to operate stably. The stories and commentaries on this website are provided for many other newspapers such as Yahoo !, MSNBC, AOL and Fox News.


Science Daily is an outstanding US news website with many quality articles and analysis related to a wide range of topics in science such as astronomy, computer science, Exopanets (extraterrestrial), nanotechnology , medicine, psychology, sociology, geology, biology, climate, space, physics, mathematics, archeology, chemistry, anthropology, fossils and more.


Picture 2 of The 15 most 'quality' science websites today

ScienceDirect is a website operated by Elsevier publisher in the UK - Netherlands, created in March 1997. ScienceDriect access every day, you will have the opportunity to approach nearly 2,500 scientific journals covering topics of physical and technical science, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences - human together with more than 26,000 e-books.

6. is a news site about space and astronomy. This is also a source of news for many other electronic newspapers such as CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo! and USA Today.


Scientific American is the regular science magazine of Nature Publishing Group (USA), officially launched in 1845 with the aim of educating and disseminating scientific knowledge to the public. Although there are no academic articles published, all authors are specialized scientists, so the articles on Scientific American have clear content and beautiful illustrations. Einstein is one of the famous scientists who have written many articles in this magazine for more than 150 years of magazine history.


Popci (Popular Science) is a bimonthly magazine of the United States covering many popular scientific content. Currently, this website has been translated into more than 30 languages ​​and available in at least 45 countries around the world.


The Smithsonian is an official magazine published by the Smithsonian Institute (Washington), which provides in-depth analysis of many scientific topics, along with extremely vivid illustrations.


Picture 3 of The 15 most 'quality' science websites today

New Scientist is Britain's international science magazine published weekly, launched in 1956 and in 1996 officially added a web platform. New Scientist focuses on providing news, reviews, comments in the field of science and technology.


ScienceMag is a scientific journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), whose goal is to provide readers with an in-depth understanding of many topics. science.


The Guardian is also a well-deserved name to be included in this list, highlighting the contribution of the content of many veteran writers, providing readers with a variety of topics in the field of science, from news to the commentary.


Not only in business and technology, Wired is also an ideal destination for everyone who is interested in science with concise, reliable and quality articles written by experienced authors.


National Geographic, also known by its familiar name NatGeo is a very quality magazine, giving readers a large space to discover the beauty of nature through a series of experience articles, beautiful images. , vividly provided by skilled photographers.


Quanta focuses on complex topics such as mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computer science and basic life science.

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Update 24 May 2019


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