9 'crazy' mistakes that science once recognized it as true

Since ancient times, scientists have always devoted their lives to research and the conclusions are always considered to be a standard for everyone to look at.

Since ancient times, scientists have always devoted their lives to research and the conclusions are always considered to be a standard for everyone to look at.

Around us there are always countless mysteries that challenge the superhuman brains of mankind. And scientists are always pioneers explaining those mysteries. There were great discoveries in history that were ridiculed and ignored by the scientific community at the time. On the contrary, some scientists have the wrong view of being praised and their theory is regarded as truth for decades or even centuries.

1. Cheese is the origin of mice

9 'crazy' mistakes that science once recognized it as true Picture 19 'crazy' mistakes that science once recognized it as true Picture 1 Cheese is the source of the mouse's birth

Until the 17th century, people still believed that inanimate objects could create living things.

The Britannica encyclopedia gave the following example: it is assumed that cheese and bread are left in the dark corner to produce rats, not to attract rats. Similarly, the decaying meat is thought to have been born.

And it is not until the scientist Francesco Redi has demonstrated that meat does not produce maggots (flies lay eggs on meat, thus creating maggots), by sealing part of the meat in the jar and leaving the rest exposed. with outside. The meat in the jar does not form.

2. Germs cannot cause disease

Many scientists claim that tiny microbes can cause illness and death, but at some point this view is not recognized.

Initially, Louis Pasteur was ridiculed for his theory of germs. He then proved that they could be destroyed at high temperatures, thereby helping to prevent disease. He also showed that bacteria are linked to the fermentation of alcohol and milk. The " pasteurized milk " phrase has been named after him.

3. Cut blood vessels for healing

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For centuries, blood extraction has always been a very popular treatment that can be applied to almost all types of illnesses. And it was applied until the 20th century. The doctors will cut the blood vessels of the patient to let blood flow out until the patient loses consciousness.

4. The Earth revolves around the sun

In ancient Greece, Ptolemy scholar gave birth to geocosmic theory. In it this theory describes the spherical Earth and is located in the center of the universe.

It was not until the 16th century that Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the Sun itself, not Earth, was at the center of the solar system.

Galileo Galilei agreed with the hypothesis after studying his telepathic universe, but he was condemned, mostly because the Catholic Church considered his opinion a heresy.

5. The earth is flat

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For many cultures throughout history, the Earth is a plane, not a sphere .

But not all ancient people believe in the concept that the Earth is a plane. Pythagoras, living in the 6th century BC, was the first to claim that the Earth was spherical. In the 4th century BC, Aristotle agreed with this view. Aristotle observed that the southern constellations would be higher in the sky when a man moved south. He also emphasized that when eclipse occurs, the Earth's shadow is round.

6. Tobacco is a cure for diseases

Until the 16th century, tobacco was still a medicine. Typically, as the plague in London in 1965, children and people are encouraged to smoke. During the 16th century, tobacco was prescribed for many diseases in Europe, including cancer .

7. No need for sterilization during surgery

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It is hard to believe but until the end of the 20th century, many doctors were still not aware that they needed to wash their hands before performing surgery. Consequently, many patients died of necrotic disease. Most doctors in the early 19th century blamed the " bad atmosphere " when the disease was spread and blamed for illness caused an imbalance in four "fluids": blood, sputum, yellow bile and bile. black.

But 150 years ago, the Austrian-Hung Ignaz Semmelweis doctor struggled for a long time before persuading scientists and doctors to believe that diseases could be transmitted if the doctor did not clean his hands and He has encountered the objections and ridicule of most of his colleagues and superiors at the University of Vienna. He then moved to Budapest and worked at a hospital there. Here he cut the death rate to a record low by cleaning everything clean.

8. Earth is only about 6000 years old

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According to the Bible, the Earth was formed around 4004 BC. Thus, by the 18th century, when geographers realized that the Earth was constantly moving and transforming, it was only 6,000 years old.

By the 19th century, physicists began to realize that if geographic changes took place as slowly as they thought and if Darwin's theory of evolution was correct, then Earth must be older than them. I used to think.

And according to actual calculations, based on radiation measurements, our Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

9. Heavy objects will fall faster

Most ancient scientists believed that heavy objects would fall faster than lighter objects if they were at the same height.
But Galileo, in the 16th century, performed an experiment to drop objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to prove that gravity caused things to fall at the same acceleration.

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