sql server dba (database administrator) people - database administrators know very well that index entries in the database are very similar to index in the library section. or

in the previous section we explored some of the improvements in sql server 2008 t-sql statements, including intellisense, grouping set, and forceseek hint tables.

sql server 2008 integrates many remarkable new features. one of these features is improvements in t-sql statements that reduce the time spent working on these statements.

application performance depends on a lot of factors, including a very important factor that is the time for sql server to process t-sql statements. sometimes database design and

this second part will focus on how to optimize multi-purpose storage procedures.

in this third part, the article will show you how to write t-sql statements to promote the reuse of cached diagrams.

this article will illustrate the different usage methods of the 'for attach' clause to overcome the limitations encountered when using sp_attach_db and sp_attach_single_file_db.