even when startups have had certain signs of success, entrepreneurs should not call themselves ceos. because this title can make you fall into bad situations laughing bad jokes.

these are 5 important criteria that investors and accelerating startups consider when deciding to contribute capital to a startup.

tips to resolve disagreements and conflicts in start-up groups shared from successful startups in southeast asia.

more precisely, these skills are rarely universities that really teach you. you will have to learn and train them yourself.

lack of capital, wrong choice of founders, lack of vision, loss of concentration .... and there are other reasons why the dream of starting a business failed.

the qualities that investors often look for in a startup leader.

starting a career is a marathon, not a sprint.

tomas gorny's life - the true story of a person who is a step ahead of the spirit of overcoming difficulties will be a powerful inspiration for anyone who is nurturing the dream of

you can use a lot of valuable advice from people who have been ahead (and have been successful) that you see every day by looking at their interviews and talks. their advice is

you should not do things differently because they are different. they need to be better.