Career tips from 14 tech heroes
Some people think that people don't really want to receive advice unless they are the ones who ask first - but when you want to start a business, helpful tips can make a difference for successful people and people. failure. For that reason, many startups often have advisory boards - a group of smart people they trust will help them navigate through difficult times or open doors on their career paths.
Although I agree with Paul Brown that there is an advisory board that is necessary, I still think you can use a lot of valuable advice from the previous (and successful) people you see every day. by watching their interviews, talks. Their advice is often concise and profound, and if you listen to it, you may save a lot of time, money and unnecessary stresses in the start-up process. Here are my favorite quotes and lessons from tech superstars in our time.
About the definition of start-up
"An người dùng là một người dùng có một vision cho một và một muốn tạo."
"Entrepreneurs are people with vision and a desire to create" - David Karp, founder and CEO of Tumblr.
"A 'startup' is a company that bị biết về 3 things: (1.) What its product is. (2.) Who its customers are. (3.) How to make money."
"A startup is a confusing company between three issues: (1) What is their product? (2) Who is their customer? (3) How to make money? - Dave McClure, co-founder of 500Startups.
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When reading these two quotes in parallel, we can make comparisons and find a clear contrast between being a startup and actually running a startup. Most entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to change in this world. They want a product, a new web application or a community they can't find anywhere else. However, having a good idea is just the first step of a long journey.To be successful, the entrepreneur must answer all the questions Dave McClure offers and outline a plan to bring the idea to the market . Even the most obvious idea can quickly become an extremely messy startup.
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About courage
"Bạn đang khởi động gỡ bỏ một tập tin đã gỡ bỏ, và bạn đã cài đặt máy phục vụ trên cách chạy lại."
"You jump off the cliff and you have to start assembling an airplane on the way down" - Reid Hoffman, cofounder of LinkedIn.
"Fearlessness is like a muscle. I know từ tên của xa của bạn mà thêm một tập tin này, nhiều hơn nó cần phải không thể chạy tập tin fears."
"Fear as well as muscle. From my life experience, I know that the more you practice, the more natural it is to be afraid, the more difficult it is to control me" - Arianna Huffington, Chairman and Chief Editor by The Huffington Post Media Group.
Everyone knows that it takes courage to be able to get a "jump of entrepreneurial trust" (firm belief even without proof) but few say that you have to jump over and over again until when stepping out of the business world. Building a business is not an early one-way job, unlike a house that you just need to finish building.
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You will have to regularly test, reinvest, expand, find partners, accept risks - but cannot guarantee anything - just hope to be rewarded to build a successful company. .From the beginning to the end, you must always be brave .
About the capital call
"Stay self-funds as long as possible."
"Try to finance yourself as long as you can" - Garrett Camp, founder of Expa, Uber and StumbleUpon.
"Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you."
"Follow your vision, not money, money will chase you" - Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.
"Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don't want to run out of gas on your trip, but you're not doing a tour of gas stations."
"Money is like gas on the itinerary. You don't want to run out of gas when you go, but you're not visiting gas stations," said Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media.
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I choose these quotes but I can choose hundreds of similar sentences. While calling outside investment seems attractive, one thing that most CEOs will tell you is that it's the worst part of the job you're doing. Try to survive without it if you can and if you are calling for equity, call as much as you can to focus on the company instead of calling outside capital regularly. "Tour of gas stations" - having to stop "gas stations" too much is the worst way for anyone.
About product development
"Get five or six of your smartest friends in a room and ask them to rate your idea."
"Call 5 or 6 of the smartest friends you have and let them evaluate your ideas" - Mark Pincus, Zynga's CEO.
"Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don't tell."
"If you still wonder what your customers really want, don't ask," said Lisa Stone, co-founder and CEO of BlogHer.
"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."
"The guests who are dissatisfied with your product are the place where you can learn the most" - Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.
The above quotes are arranged in this order because they are steps in building a business cycle. Before launching products, get feedback from your smartest and closest (often most honest) friends. Once you have a customer, start surveying, you will be amazed at what you have learned.
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When the product is more mature and users become more familiar with the brand, the voice of "unsatisfactory guests" is the best resource you have because they will tell you what customers are satisfied ( People who spend time filling out your survey) never say.
About effort and concentration
"The last 10% it takes to launch something takes as much energy as the first 90%."
"The last 10% before launch consumes the same energy as the first 90%" - Rob Kalin, founder of Etsy.
"Make every detail perfect and limit số của phần để Perfect."
"Create perfect details and limit the amount of details to be perfect" - Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter.
Remember that everything takes a lot of time and you will have to pay more than you think. When it was near the end, it was hard not to feel the small things that were hindering the process - but everything always went that way. Because of this fact, the key to success is to try to limit the work you need to do to be successful and really put your enthusiasm and focus on them.
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About hope
"Don't worry about failure;
"Don't be afraid of failure, you'll only need it once" - Drew Houston, founder and CEO of Dropbox.
" Early failure, rapid failure, frequent failures " seem to have become a mantra in the West. Failure is part of the learning process and each failure brings valuable information about how to succeed in the future. Analysis is easy but all failures bring spiritual consequences. I like Drew's saying because hope is what can help us experience the failure of successive connections when starting a business.
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"Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success."
"The exact time, consistency and ten years of effort will ultimately lead you to success after just one night" - Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter.
If you're lucky, all the struggles and final attempts will be rewarded. However, before starting, determine that the road will be very long. Article Biz wants to say is that almost everything we think is successful overnight, takes a lot of time to build. If you want something fast, entrepreneurship is not for you. But if there is an idea where you are very enthusiastic, ready to face the challenge, the failure, the joy and the glory of glory - let's get started.
Author: Kate Harrison
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