Search results: satya nadella

ceo satya nadella wrote an annual letter to microsoft shareholders

what if satya nadella became apple's ceo?

microsoft sparked the tech world when it acquired linkedin in 2016 for $ 26.2 billion, and is considered the most successful deal in redmond's history.

microsoft ceo satya nadella shared that it's not the windows operating system, but the app model and experience are the most important thing for the tech giant.

silently, smart, and unobtrusive, satya nadella has turned microsoft into a completely molting enterprise, ready to cope with choking competition in the 21st century.

skype today announced a free skype translator trial program. this is a real-time word translation tool and you can now go here to register.

microsoft ceo satya nadella told many female audience in the technology industry that women should not ask for a raise.

don't believe what you read: microsoft ceo satya nadella said the company never intended to sell search to yahoo.

microsoft ceo satya nadella thinks that we don't have to worry, because in the future many new jobs will be created and robots cannot replace people at many specific jobs.

microsoft's latest quarterly earnings report showed the company's most impressive growth in the 'satya nadella' era.

in the previous section, we came together to explore 10 power names in the technology world. they are all billionaires and have great influence in their field. however, in this