the function int ungetc (int char, file * stream) in the c library standard pushes the char character (an unsigned char) onto the stream given to the next character to be read.

the function void perror (const char * str) in the c library standard prints a message describing the error to stderr. first, the printed string str is followed by a colon and

the function void * calloc (so-phan-tu, kich-co-phan-tu) allocates the requested memory and returns a pointer to it. the difference between malloc and calloc is: malloc does not

the void free function (void * ptr) frees the previously allocated memory by a call to calloc, malloc, or realloc

int atexit function (void (* func) (void)) calls function func when the program ends. you can register your end function (func function) wherever you like, but this function will

the void exit (int status) function immediately terminates the calling process. any file opened by the process is closed and any child process is inherited by the initial process

function file * tmpfile (void) in standard c library create temporary files in wb + mode. the temporary file created will be automatically deleted when the stream is closed

the function char * tmpnam (char * str) in the c library standard creates and returns a valid temporary file name (temp file) that did not exist before creation. if str is null,

the int fprintf function (file * stream, const char * format, ...) in standard c library sends formatted output to a stream.

the char * gets (char * str) function in standard c library reads a line from stdin and stores it inside the string pointed by str. it stops when the end-of-file or newline

the int vfprintf function (file * stream, const char * format, va_list arg) in the standard c library sends the formatted output to a stream using a parameter list.

the function int vsprintf (char * str, const char * format, va_list arg) in the standard c library sends the formatted output to a string string using a parameter list.

the int fscanf function (file * stream, const char * format, ...) in library c reads the input formatted from a stream.

the function int scanf (const char * format, ...) in library c standard reads input that has been formatted from stdin.

the function int sscanf (const char * str, const char * format, ...) in library c standard reads the input formatted from a string.

the function int fgetc (file * stream) in c library standard takes the next character (an unsigned char) from the given stream and increases the position indicator for that stream.

char * fgets (char * str, int n, file * stream) in standard c library reads a line from the given stream and stores it in the string pointed by str. it stops when any of the

the function int fputc (int char, file * stream) in library c writes one character (an unsigned char) defined by the char parameter to the given stream and increases the position

the function int fputs (const char * str, file * stream) in the standard c library writes a string to the specified stream (not writing null characters).

the int feof function (file * stream) in the standard library c checks the end-of-file indicator for the given stream.