The function gets () in C
The char * gets (char * str) function in Standard C library reads a line from stdin and stores it inside the string pointed by str. It stops when the end-of-file or newline character is encountered (new line) is read.
The function gets () differs from the scanf () function in that the function accepts spaces with spaces.
Declare the function gets () in C
Below is the declaration for the gets () function in C:
char * gets ( char * str )
str - This is the pointer to the array of char where the string is stored.
Returns the value
This function returns str if successful, and NULL if there is an error or an End-Of-File appears, while no character has been read.
For example
The following C program illustrates the usage of the gets () function in C. You will see that the gets () function accepts strings containing spaces, unlike scanf ():
#include int main () { char str [ 50 ]; printf ( "Nhap mot chuoi: " ); gets ( str ); printf ( "Ban vua nhap chuoi: %s" , str ); return ( 0 ); }
Compile and run the above C program to see the results.
According to Tutorialspoint
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