Search results: learning applications

goodbye to the exciting summer vacation, the students and students all over the country started a new school year full of tension and competition. today, we would like to

the math solutions on android and ios phones today are extremely developed, helping students have more effective learning methods.

here are 3 interesting math learning applications, science presentations for young children on windows 10. children will have access to math through small, fun, mini-games that are

do you believe anyone can change the world? although there are many opportunities to do this today, it is sad that many people do not take advantage of those advantages.

the top 10 learning software below are all top quality software, suitable for students from grade 6 to grade 9, helping you to revise at home thereby improving grades on class .

this is a smartphone application that supports teaching and learning on android and ios platforms related to the main subjects which are useful for students, students and teachers.

next fall is also the back-to-school season, students must have fully prepared learning tools, but do not forget to accompany you as a mobile phone.