Search results: iphone market

market analyst keith bachman of bmo capital predicts apple can sell 189 million iphones in 2015.

page korea economic daily yesterday reported that samsung sold 10 million galaxy s5 after 25 days on the shelf. it sounds like a huge sale in just 3 ưỡi weeks, until you know that

500 million iphones sold by cupertino-based companies in 7 years are a remarkable achievement for apple.

a patent granted to apple recently revealed its plan for a curved screen iphone model with virtual buttons.

on january 9, 2007, apple ceo steve jobs introduced the first generation iphone. 7 years later today, many things have changed, especially, many products and services have been

on december 18, china mobile, the world's largest network, remained 'silent' in the release of the iphone phone, making public opinion surprising.

along with ipad mini retina screens, apple today also announced that vietnam and the philippines are the two countries preparing to sell iphones 5s and 5c.