Search results: digestive system

drinking lemon water in this way is the fastest way to lose weight and does not harm the stomach, so everyone should wear a belt if they want to slim the standard shape.

when we take medicine, what happens in the stomach, how will the pills be absorbed? this is not an easy question to answer because observing a soluble tablet in the human

although very small compared to the vast world at a more micro level, our bodies are immeasurably large with huge numbers. here are the figures related to the human body that you

many habits seem simple but not good for health if you do them right after exercising.

when the body suffers from a hangover, tiredness in the person, want to regain energy you should add the food below.

have you ever wondered what a small semicircle on nails means? here are 13 crescent-shaped health problems on your nails trying to warn you. invite you to consult!

when hungry, your need to eat will increase and often have the idea of 'eating something' in your home. however, this is an extremely harmful habit for you.

we all have missed meals at least once or twice, haven't we? here are 6 bad consequences that will happen if you often skip meals or fast.