The human body and huge numbers startle you

Although very small compared to the vast world at a more micro level, our bodies are immeasurably large with huge numbers. Here are the figures related to the human body that you probably never knew even though the 'owner' owns your body.

The human body is a wonder of creation, though very small compared to the vast world at a more micro-level, our bodies are immeasurably large with huge numbers. Here are the figures related to the human body that you probably never knew even though the 'owner' owns your body.

  1. 21 interesting facts about the human body not everyone knows
  2. 20 types of strange objects discovered in the human body make you 'floaters'

1. Cardiovascular system

The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 1The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 1

Our hearts have to work for 70-80 years without stopping. It is estimated that during that time it beats up to 3 billion times and pumps 48 million gallons of blood (nearly 182 million liters). The human heart can create enough pressure to push blood away 9 meters.

The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 2The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 2

It sounds unbelievable, but every day, blood travels a long distance of 96,540 km in our body, ie more than 2 rounds of the Earth (Earth's equator length is about 40,075 km).

2. The brain

The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 3The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 3

With an average of about 100 billion neurons, the human brain can store five times the information of the Britannica Encyclopedia.

Until now, scientists have not been able to accurately determine the capacity of the brain, but they predict this number is about 3 to 1,000 terabytes, in electronic storage units. Data for more than 900 years of history are kept in the UK national archives only about 70 terabytes.

Neural impulses travel to the brain and from the brain transmitted at a rate of "dizziness" 274 km / hour.

3. Respiratory system

The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 4The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 4

People breathe an average of 23,040 times a day.

Once sneezed, people emit around 2,000 to 5,000 drops of mucus (saliva and mucus) to the surrounding environment at speeds of up to 112.6 - 160 km / h and the range spreads to 152.4. cm.

When coughing, you pushed the air out at speeds of up to 96 km / hour.

4. Muscles and bones

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Human skulls are composed of 29 different bones.

On average, each person can walk a distance of 5 times the equator for the whole life (about 40,075.0 km).

We can speak out thanks to the interaction of 72 different muscles.

When born, humans have all 300 bones but when they grow up as a result of aging the number of bones decreases to 206 bones.

5. Digestive system

The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 6The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 6

An adult has about 5000 "taste" seeds on the tongue. Each tongue has an average life of 10 days.

The surface area of ​​the intestine is 200m2.

6. Eyes

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Because of higher levels of estrogen, women blink twice as much as men.

The eye performs about 100,000 movements a day, and blinks an average of 6,205,000 times a year.

7. Skin

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On average, a person's scalp has about 100,000 hairs.

The surface area of ​​human skin is 2m2. Every minute, people remove about 50,000 dead skin cells and in an average life a person discharges more than 18kg of dead skin.

The nerve under the skin of each person is about 72km long.

Every 2.5 cm2 of skin surface contains 6m of blood vessels.

8. The number of atoms in the human body

The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 9The human body and huge numbers startle you Picture 9

Each second has 15 million blood cells destroyed in the human body.

About 98% of the atoms in the body are replaced every year because cells in the human body have longevity, new cells separate and replace old ones.

The human body is a collection of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7.10 caps 27 or 7 billion billion) atoms.

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