at the beginning of march, fewer than 200,000 people filed for unemployment benefits in the us. three weeks later, that number jumped to nearly 3.3 million.
there are very powerful species of venom that can quickly kill a victim's life with a small amount of toxin.
on the south australian island, the bbc's famous filmmakers found hundreds of blind snakes and head injuries. is this the characteristic of the 'residents' on this desert island
a cobra that stuck its head in a beer can suddenly come back when it was trying to escape on the road in india.
the king snake death battle is large and dangerous venomous copperhead takes place on the front door of a resident in hendersonville, tennessee, usa.
with the poison secreted in a single bite that claimed the lives of 30 adults, the king cobra easily killed and fed the small prey.
the cobra of the lord puffed up his mouth to find a way to vomit the plastic bottle out of the astonishment of many people in a village in goa, india.