Search results: blackmail

yes, a finding may shock the global fa world.

the fbi has officially released decryption keys for blackmailing gandcrab ransomware versions 4, 5, 5.0.4, 5.1 and 5.2.

most people know the process of making a ransomware, which is why ransomware creators are always looking to find and create new ransomware to make you pay. here are some new

vr and ar may be an inevitable part of life in the future, which means they will almost certainly become the target for those who want to use these devices to exploit the benefits

today 12/5, commemorating the 1st anniversary of wannacry extortion's virulence broke out into a global 'pandemic'.

ransomware wannacry has infected hundreds of thousands of computers around the world. recently, a cyber security researcher said he had found a way to defeat it.