learning to read your baby's cries and respond or sing them short songs and small talk are simple ways to help your baby learn to talk early.
with just a little creativity, parents can give their babies super fun games that are extremely economical.
how to take good care of children when the weather is in season. the following article will share with your family some ways to prevent illness for children when the weather is in
a rare liver surgery performed on the body of a six-and-a-half-year-old infant and weighed only 5.5 kg.
the article is like a wake-up call for pregnant mothers but has a habit of fussy eating and drinking, falling into malnutrition.
a recent study has shown that cognitive and learning disabilities in young infants are thought to be not only due to lack of blood flowing into the brain, but also due to low
stenosis of the esophagus is a rare inherited disease, in which the upper and lower part of the baby's esophagus is atrophied, with no two-headed association.
a new study has found that when babies are stressed, their brains respond strongly to pain, but they do not seem to express this through crying.