Pregnant mothers who are malnourished can make their hearts later age

The article is like a wake-up call for pregnant mothers but has a habit of fussy eating and drinking, falling into malnutrition.

The article is like a wake-up call for pregnant mothers but has a habit of fussy eating and drinking, falling into malnutrition.

A group of leading scientists, Dr. Geoffrey Clarke from the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, has announced that mothers who are pregnant with malnutrition can make their hearts later. when being born, aging , premature exhaustion.

The birth of children whose heart is aging, debilitating soon will reduce the quality of life of children, they can not do heavy work, exercise and are very sensitive to diabetes, high blood pressure, the heart disease and stroke .

Pregnant mothers who are malnourished can make their hearts later age Picture 1Pregnant mothers who are malnourished can make their hearts later age Picture 1

And to get this result, the team tested two pregnant baboons, one was fed normally, the other cut the diet about 30%.

After the baby monkeys were born, and watched for five years, combined with the baby monkey's MRI of the heart, the results showed that the female monkeys had cut 30% of their diets while pregnant with aging heart, slight deformation in the chest, heart weakness. The expression of these young monkeys is tired, sullen, more passive than the monkeys born from ordinary mother monkeys.

And the team said that this situation is completely possible on the human body.

This study has just been published in the Journal of Physiology.

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