Search results: apocalypse

github's data block will be continuously stored in many formats and buried in different locations on earth.

this guy created an open source operating system called collapse os to use exclusively for the darkest days of mankind.

earth's magnetic pole island will cause many harms to people, even many people consider it earth's end of the world.

eco houses called earthship are built to protect people from the negative impacts of climate change, all natural disasters from fires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and including

let's try to find out if all 14,900 nuclear warheads on this planet are firing together, what will happen, is it the end of the world?

whether the cause is due to a nuclear war or a zombie pandemic that caused the end of the world, vivos group wants you to be in a position to fully prepare and be ready to deal

an apocalyptic underground, built in norway's land near the arctic, to protect the seeds of nearly every grain around the world to avoid a catastrophe. let's explore inside this

let us find out if there is no end-of-the-world saturday today, there is a reason for the world to worry!

there will be a lot of terrible things that happen if our earth suddenly one day does not continue to turn. let us find out 10 terrible things that will happen if the earth