what is alphago? why is alphago so popular among people? what made the alphago artificial machine win a go-go chess champion? your questions will be answered in this article.
google's ai once again defeated the foe ke jie, marking 2 victories in a total of 3 matches.
alphago has repeatedly defeated ke jie in the previous two games, this ai continues to show their unbeaten performance when facing 5 players and in a 2v2 match.
recently, another google deepmind ai named alphastar has defeated people in a completely different game, real-time strategy game starcraft ii: wings of liberty.
alphago, who defeated the 1st go player sedan lee sedol in 2016, has recently defeated the alphago zero, a new ai created by his father julian schrittwieser.
after more than 4 hours of intense competition, ai from google's deepmind team took a 1-0 lead over a total of 3 games to compete with the world no. 1 go player ke jie.