AlphaGo continues to prove its unbeaten ability in Go

AlphaGo has repeatedly defeated Ke Jie in the previous two games, this AI continues to show their unbeaten performance when facing 5 players and in a 2v2 match.

AlphaGo has repeatedly defeated Ke Jie in the previous two games, this AI continues to show their unbeaten performance when facing 5 players and in a 2v2 match.

  1. What is "artificial intelligence" AlphaGo is what makes people admire?

2v2 match

In the doubles match on Friday morning, AlphaGo paired up with Lian Xiao who defeated himself with another Chinese Go player, Gu Li. This is a rare situation when a smart computer program defeats itself with human help on both sides.

Gu and AlphaGo teams, playing black, seem to have a higher chance of winning during the match. But Lian and his teammate AlphaGo reversed the success of the game in injury time.

Interestingly, Gu's teammate, AlphaGo's chess player, raised the board to stop doing it but was refused by Gu.

Match 1v5

Can 5 defeated people be artificially created by AlphaGo? Eastern people do not mean that they will win, this is true in Go. Google's AI continues to defeat the other five Chinese players, Chen Yaoye, Zhou Ruiyang, Mi Yuting, Shi Yue and Tang Weixing in the 1v5 match, which took place yesterday afternoon. All households are the people who won the Go.

AlphaGo continues to prove its unbeaten ability in Go Picture 1AlphaGo continues to prove its unbeaten ability in Go Picture 1

Observers claim that the players seem to be interested in watching and studying AlphaGo's moves, they also use them to change their play style.

In a few minutes, the final match between AlphaGo and Ke Jie player will take place, let's wait and see if there is any surprise.

You can review yesterday's 2 match happenings at:

And watch live the final game between AlphaGo and Ke Jie at:

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