Sweat will become future phone security like?

Fingerprints can be copied, face recognition can be fake, but what about sweat? The most unique thing for heaven is this inimitable.

Fingerprints can be copied, face recognition can be fake, but what about sweat? The most unique thing for heaven is this inimitable.

At least separately enough for mobile security. That's the core idea of ​​a team of researchers, claiming that they are creating a new biometric authentication method: Everyone has their own smell of sweat. The device can identify the smell of the owner and unlock it.

You are not mistaken. They are completely serious.

The study is called 'Promises and challenges when using amino acid monitoring on skin for biometric authentication of many factors for network security', co-authored by assistant professor Jan Halamek of Albany University. By email, he shared the diverse applicability of this study, 'applied in practice, including unlocking smart devices or protecting information stored on applications'.

Picture 1 of Sweat will become future phone security like?

Professor Halamek and his colleagues

Even this technology can help the society, as Halamek explains, it can help 'certain impaired people when they cannot remember the password or put a hand on a certain position on the device. .

How does the Sweat ID work?

Research suggests that 'sweat in amino acids can be used to create an amino profile used to authenticate phone users or wearable devices'.

According to Halamek, using sweat will have benefits that other biometric measures (such as fingerprints) cannot do, mostly will be more difficult to copy. 'Mechanism of unlocking is based on a biometric system that no one but the device owner can authenticate'.

See also: BKAV affirms Face ID on iPhone X is not safe enough, video proves

While it may sound unattractive, if it really benefits, this technology may appear on the phone. 'We think this idea will appear in the real world for another 5-10 years,' Halamek said.

Update 24 May 2019


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