Summary of commands in MSWLogo

Summary of commands in MSWLogo, In this article, let's learn the commands included in MSWLogo, making programming with this software faster.

MSWLogo is an interpreted programming language, based on the Logo computer language platform, with a graphical user interface (GUI). It is free and open source programming software, with source code available in Borland C++.

Picture 1 of Summary of commands in MSWLogo

MSWLogo supports many turtle graphics, 3D computer graphics and allows input from COM and LPT ports. It also supports a windowing interface, so input/output (I/O) is available through this GUI and keyboard and mouse events can trigger interrupts.

In this article, let's learn the commands included in MSWLogo, making programming with this software faster.

Commands included in MSWLogo

Command Abbreviation Syntax Output For example
FORWARD fd FORWARD Move the turtle forward with the specified number of times forward 100 or fd 100
BACK bk BACK Move the turtle backwards with the specified number of times back 100 or bk 100
RIGHT rt RIGHT Rotate the turtle to the right by the specified number of degrees right 228 or rt 228
LEFT lt LEFT Rotate the turtle left by the specified number of degrees left 228 or lt 228
HOME home Home Go to the center of the screen but do not clear the screen home
CLEAN ct cs Clean Clear the screen of the trail but keep the turtle position clean
CLEARSCREEN CS Clearscreen Clear the screen of the trail and go to the center of the screen cs
HIDETURTLE HT Hide turtle Hide the turtle and support to see the drawing clearly on the screen ht
SHOWTURTLE ST Show turtle Show the turtle after it is hidden from the screen st
PENUP PU (set) Pen up Set the turtle to move without drawing pu
PENDOWN PD (resets) Pen Reset brush when prompted to move pd
CLEARTEXT CT Clear text Clear all text in command screen ct
CIRCLE   Circle Create a loop
that repeats 360 [FD (desired length in pixels divided by 360) RT or LT 1]
Pattern pay Pattern Create a pattern pattern

Commands to create some basic 2D drawings

Picture 2 of Summary of commands in MSWLogo

Picture Command
Square Repeat 4 [fd 200 rt 90]
Rectangular Fd 300 rt 90 fd 150 rt 90
Fd 300 rt 90 fd 150 rt 90
Circle Repeat 360 [fd 3 rt 1]
Triangle Repeat 3 [fd 300 rt 120]
The Pentagon Repeat 5 [fd 200 rt 72]
Hexagon Repeat 6 [fd 200 rt 60
Octagon Repeat 8 [fd 150 rt 45]
hexagon shape Repeat 9 [fd 150 rt 40]
Hexagon Repeat 10 [fd 100 rt 36]
Update 06 April 2022


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