Schedule Startup and launch PC computer program

In this article, I will show you three basic tips to save a lot of time in computer use.

Zack Stern

Network administration - The computer is equipped with a simple interface for launching applications when it starts. However, besides the interface it equips you with, you can also configure it to wake up or start automatically before going to work. The following three basic tips will save you a lot of time in manipulation.

The two main methods to perform such adjustments are: Add directly to the Startup folder or run Scheduled Tasks wizard. Here we will mention both of them.

With the Startup folder : Two different Startup folders manage items that allow launch at system startup. The items inside C: Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup will launch for each computer user. The items in C: Documents and Settin gs [Your Username] Start MenuProgramsStartup will open for a specific account. For these directories, your task is to just put your favorite programs inside one of these folders.

Picture 1 of Schedule Startup and launch PC computer program

Keep the startup or wake up schedule : Some computers can start automatically according to a schedule; This capability depends on the BIOS. Klhi starts, you need to search for a prompt to enter the BIOS, press the key according to that prompt. If your computer supports this feature, you can adjust the internal settings before loading Windows.

Another way is to set your computer to wake up according to a schedule inside Windows. Open the Sche duled Tasks Control Panel ( to open Open Scheduled Tasks , click Start , click All Programs , point to Accessories , System Tools , then click Scheduled Tasks . ) , Click Add Scheduled Task . Click Next , then select the application you want to open. Fill in the schedule information on the following pages, click Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish . Next, click Finish , Settings tab. Finally click the option Wake the computer to run this task .

Update 25 May 2019


Mac OS X



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