Purchase experience on Shopee to avoid buying fake goods

Through many times shopping on Shopee and also sticking with Fake, I will share with you a few small notes to help people be more alert when buying and dodging fake products, fake (Fake). Do not for many fake phenomena but ignore the opportunity to buy good goods at good prices!

Shopee is an online market that is quite popular in the online trading market today. The reason for using the word 'market' Shopee is by the seller and the buyer can simply trade items that fit personal needs simply. You can go there to buy goods, but you can also upload photos and sell them on your own.

  1. How to register a Shopee account on a computer

The biggest advantage that Shopee offers its users is convenience - simplicity - extremely cheap price. However, the disadvantage of this online market is that there are too many fake goods. "Fake overflows, Fake mourning in every countryside". Perhaps, this is the biggest fear for anyone when buying goods here. Shopee is a market, anyone can make up here to sell, and this place does not require strict input censorship like Lazada or Adayroi, so of course the goods are also junk - fake confused but not known at all. . If you are not alert when you buy, you stick Fake like playing.

Shopee is only an intermediary between buyers and sellers, so they do not care much about improving product quality, they only offer incentives for shipping or subsidies to attract people. use. So, if you want to buy guaranteed goods, you should accumulate experience yourself when buying goods.

Through many times shopping on Shopee and also sticking with Fake, I will share with you a few small notes to help people be more alert when buying and dodging fake products, fake (Fake). Do not because of the Fake phenomenon much but ignore the opportunity to buy good goods at good prices!

1. Refer to the shop's evaluation and operation time

Picture 1 of Purchase experience on Shopee to avoid buying fake goods

Followers : You should enter the shop completely to see if the number of people following the shop is high. Based on the number of followers you can easily know whether the product of that shop is reputable. However, not every store with a high track count is reputable, you should carefully consider it.

Average rate : This number will be more reliable than follow, but you should also be careful, not because of the high rate but ignore other information. You should Click to read how many people give 5 stars, how many people give 1 star. Maybe the rate is just 'hanging the goat's head selling dog meat'.

Compared to the rate on Facebook fanpage, the rate at Shopee is much more reliable, because only those who have bought the Shop's products through Shopee can comment and evaluate. Those who do not buy goods and even shop owners cannot self-please click 5 stars for themselves. By the way, when looking at the comment number, you can also estimate whether this Shop is crowded or not. So in order to evaluate, the shop reached a range of 4.5 - 4.9 which is worth sending gold, 5.0 is too standard but it is very rare for the shops to operate for a long time.

Uptime : This is just a small factor, the new shop participating does not mean selling poor quality compared to participating stores for a long time, but if the Shop has a long time of operation, but the turn Appreciate the quality, you will be more secure when buying goods there. As far as I know, Shopee has a report shop function, if the shop is operating long and still survives, it means less report, you can be more secure when buying goods here. It is recommended that you buy a Shop with an active period of 1-2 years.

2. Refer to product reviews

Picture 2 of Purchase experience on Shopee to avoid buying fake goods

After finding the right product you want, you should review the reviews and comments of customers who have previously purchased. If the shop receives many reviews, positive comments, you can be assured. If the product is too sticky and negative comments, you should avoid it quickly.

Poor quality goods : This is off the table, omitting the shop and products.

Delivery wrong sample : This is unforgivable, if you order this product, but the shop is packing and sending you another product, it should not be received.

The service attitude of the shop is unprofessional : Packaging products is not careful, replying inbox slowly . The best you should review before buying.

5 stars is not all : If you go to the comments and reviews of people about the shop, they comment that 'shop is very fast delivery', 'shop is good service' . That's what they value The professionalism of the shop, not the evaluation of their products. Or it is possible that those buyers do not know what is true and what is not.

3. Reference from many other sources

Picture 3 of Purchase experience on Shopee to avoid buying fake goods

If you are a newcomer on Shopee for the first time, you can refer to a few groups on Facebook as a group of 'bag burning because of Shopee', this is a specialized group to track the cult of the cult on the Shopee.

Remove from sellers to buyers, call for reports, or share buying experiences.

In this group you can avoid buying fake goods as well as refer to more reputable sales shop on Shopee.

4. Do not accept goods if not delivered by Shopee

In Shopee sales channel only Fast Delivery, Savings Delivery and Viettel Post are the main shipping parties. And most of the delivery workers in these companies are wearing uniform, and there are also cargo boxes behind the car.

If it is not delivered by Shopee, you will not be entitled to change or complain. At that time, if I had to hug the fake goods, I would sit there and cry.

5. What if Fake "fake"?

Picture 4 of Purchase experience on Shopee to avoid buying fake goods

After receiving the goods, do not rush to confirm, if you are not satisfied or suspect that the product is fake / error, please do not press confirm because you press the confirmation means you agree with the item, and you do not You can continue to change / refund.

If the product is not as satisfactory as you want, at this time, please contact the shop you buy immediately to present the problem you have, then the two sides have proposed a solution. If not, call Shopee operator 19001221, ask the operator to get an answer.

After making sure it is Fake, press the request to return / refund as shown below and follow the instructions. Depending on the negotiation with the shop or Shopee, you will lose money or not lose money for refunds.

Picture 5 of Purchase experience on Shopee to avoid buying fake goods

I wish you all good goods, choose the products you like!

Update 25 May 2019


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