- Let's start with a new Document, size 400px x 300px, any background color.
- Set foreground color - background (foreground: #ECECEC - background: # 7C7B7B)
- use the Gradient tool Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 1 with Liner gradient option
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 2
- Place your mouse on the top edge of the background and drag a straight line to the bottom edge.
You get the background image.
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 3
2. Open an image you want.
- Copy a part of the image you want to curve, so that the size of the selection is smaller than the background size.
- Paste the selected image into the center of the background
- Rename the image layer to "nen curved"
Practice lesson, I choose this picture:
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 4
3. Create borders and shadow images
- Right-click "Curve" layer> Blending option > Set Strocke and drop shadow with attribute
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 5
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 6
+ Drop shadow: to default
Result of step 3
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 7
(You can change this step 3 by cutting the edges of the learned image in the lesson: cutting out the edges and creating a picture frame )
4. Tilt photos
- Edit> Free transform (ctrl + T)
- click on each button point on the 4 corners, hold down Ctrl + drag the button to get an oblique shape (3D) as follows:
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 8
5. Rotate the picture
- Edit - Transform - Rotate 90 CW.
- Filter - Distort - Shear and set properties for the image as follows
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 9
6. Finish
- Rotate the image: Edit - Transform - Rotate 90 CCW. You have the final result as follows
Photoshop CS: Curved image on the background Picture 10