Macromedia Flash - Zoom in / Zoom out with the button Picture 1
Step 2
Press Ctrl + A and then F8 key on the keyboard to convert 'star' into Movie Clip.
Macromedia Flash - Zoom in / Zoom out with the button Picture 2
Step 3
When the new Movie Clip ('star') is still selected, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and enter 'star'.
Macromedia Flash - Zoom in / Zoom out with the button Picture 3
Step 4
Click Window > Components to open the Components Panel.
Step 5
Then from Components Panel select Button and use the drag-and-drop operation to do the following
Macromedia Flash - Zoom in / Zoom out with the button Picture 4
Step 6
When your button is still selected, from the Properties Panel , enter ButtonDecrease
Step 7
Select the button and press Ctrl + D on the keyboard to duplicate the object.
Step 8
On the newly duplicated Button object, change the name to ButtonIncrease.
Step 9
Add a new layer with the name Action.
Macromedia Flash - Zoom in / Zoom out with the button Picture 5
Step 10
Click on the first frame of the layer Action, open the Action Script Panel (F9) and enter the following script:
ButtonIncrease.onRelease = function (): Void {
with (star) {
_xscale + = 7;
_yscale + = 7;
ButtonDecrease.onRelease = function (): Void {
with (star) {
_xscale - = 7;
_yscale - = 7;
Press Ctrl + Enter to preview the product and download the complete file here if you don't have time to practice.