Only recruiting people with autism to work, this technology company is still a success

Auticon - a business technology company in the field of international information and communication technology consulting has launched an extremely special recruitment policy. It is a company that recruits only people with autism to work and this has brought an unexpected success for Auticon.

In today's society, autism is a rare disease. People with autism face difficulties in language development, communication skills and social interaction disabilities. However, these difficulties cannot prevent autistic people from working as ordinary people, sometimes even being "given" to special talents.

Recognizing that, Auticon - a business technology company in the field of international information and communication technology consulting has launched an extremely special recruitment policy. It is a company that recruits only people with autism to work and this has brought an unexpected success for Auticon.

Picture 1 of Only recruiting people with autism to work, this technology company is still a success

In 2011, Auticon was founded by Dirk Müller-Remus, a father with an autistic son. In 2018, Auticon acquired another technology company called MindSpark, also founded by Gray Benoist, a father of two autistic children.

During their work, these fathers and entrepreneurs recognized the talents of their sons and decided to turn the company into an ideal working environment for people with autism.

Currently, Auticon has opened offices in a number of countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland. And of course, human resources are autistic people. In the future, the company intends to open another office in Scotland.

Picture 2 of Only recruiting people with autism to work, this technology company is still a success

Mr. Gray Benoist and his autistic son.

Viola Sommer, one of the founders and now Auticon COO, shared about the company's special recruitment policy. She said that people with autism when filing in a normal company are difficult to pass the recruitment because they cannot control their behavior and attitudes. Even if there is a position, it is difficult to keep it because there is no reasonable adjustment of the workplace. According to Viola, the brain and the way of thinking of people with autism are very different, they need a flexible working environment and the approach is not normal.

Picture 3 of Only recruiting people with autism to work, this technology company is still a success

Auticon spent a lot of time to understand each individual, thereby giving the most suitable and comfortable working environment for each employee. In the UK, 85% of Auticon's employees had previously been unemployed even though they all had good degrees and knowledge.

Auticon currently has more than 150 employees. By 2019, the company intends to open a recruitment of technology experts in both London and Scotland.

From Auticon's success, it can be seen that people with disabilities or autism can fully work in technology. If there is a suitable working environment, they can fully reveal their hidden abilities.

See more:

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  2. The 9-year-old boy has created a mobile application and at the age of 13 established his own software development company
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Update 24 May 2019


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