Laptop styling is more important than features
Except for those with special needs such as technology professionals, people who work in harsh environments ., most choose a laptop with just enough configuration but more beautiful than a rugged and powerful device .
That's why the MacBook Air made a fever when it appeared almost 2 years ago. The product only has one USB port, no optical drive . and costs up to 1,800 - 2,500 USD but is still expensive thanks to the slender and attractive design.
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Apple MacBook Air.
Currently, when most electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones, music players . have been fully equipped with features suitable for use, consumers start to care more. to design, especially when they are considered as a means to express one's "ego".
In the view of many people: " Leaving a thousand dollars to buy a product that is both thick and heavy is too wasteful ," Hewlett-Packard and Dell have been at the forefront of hiring artists to create new designs or pages. position on laptop cover. Sleek design becomes an indispensable element to ensure a product that attracts customers in the market.
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Dell Mini 10 netbook.
Just 3-4 years ago, most laptops were just gray or gray "boxes" (except Apple made the difference from the 90s of the last century). Now, Ed Boyd, of Dell's design division, says the laptop industry is transforming like in sports shoes: not only convenient but also fashionable.
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HP Vivienne Tam Special Edition.
HP also partnered with Vivienne Tam, a design specialist, to create a female-specific netbook. Meanwhile, Stacy Wolff, director of notebooks at HP, said in 2005, decided to invest in product design that was once considered a "gamble" with the world's No. 1 computer maker.
Some stylish laptops on the market:
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Colorful Dell XPS.
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Dell Mini 10 with exterior decorations.
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HP second generation Vivienne Tam.
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Asus Disney Eee PC youthful.
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Vaio CS series crocodile skin.
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Asus computer with bamboo.
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Lenovo, once known for its black laptops, also began to change with the IdeaPad line.
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