Microsoft released Windows 10 Preparation Tool for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

Microsoft is expected to release Windows 10 Consumer Preview next month at the company's January 21 event. Most likely Microosft will reveal all consumer features of Windows 10. As previously announced, the hardware requirements of Windows 10 are similar to Windows 8.1 / Windows 7.

Microsoft is expected to release Windows 10 Consumer Preview next month at the company's January 21 event. Most likely Microosft will reveal all consumer features of Windows 10. As previously announced, the hardware requirements of Windows 10 are similar to Windows 8.1 / Windows 7.

Picture 1 of Microsoft released Windows 10 Preparation Tool for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

However, you also need to update some elements of the operating system before you upgrade to Windows 10 preview. And to make things simpler for consumers, Microsoft has released Windows 10 Preparation Tool. This is a new tool used that supports operating systems like Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Update 8.1 installed.

Windows 10 Preparation Tool also checks whether the installed language user is available in Windows 10 preview. If everything is complete, the tool will automatically create registry keys right in your computer.

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Download the Windows 10 Preparation tool here:

Download Windows 10 Preparation Tool for Windows 8.1 here.
Download Windows 10 Preparation Tool for Windows 7 here.

Update 26 May 2019


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