Macromedia Flash - Move objects

With this exercise, you will learn how to move any object with the cursor in Flash 8 using the Action Script.

With this exercise, you will learn how to move any object with the cursor in Flash 8 using the Action Script.

Step 1

Create a new Flash file, go to Modify > Document ( Ctrl + J ) and set Width to 350px and Height to 250px

Step 2

Double click on layer 1 and rename it to Background. Then insert a new layer named Object.

Step 3

Select the Rectangle Tool (R), and draw a rectangle to represent 'Object'

Picture 1 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Step 4

When the Object is selected, press F8 key ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert it into a Movie Clip .

Picture 2 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Step 5

Double-click the newly created Movie Clip object or right-click and choose Edit in Place .

Step 6

Then press F8 and convert it to the Button icon

Picture 3 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Step 7

Select the Object object, open the Action Script (F9) and enter the following script:

on (press) {
swapDepths (2);
_root.cursor.swapDepths (3);
startDrag ("");

on (release) {
stopDrag ();

Step 8

Go back to the main scene (Scene 1), click on the first frame of the layer Object and open the Action Script (F9), enter the following line:

help = false;

Step 9

Duplicate the Object layer into several copies as you like.

Step 10

Add a new layer and name it Cursor. Then select the Text Tool (T), and type in the words 'Move it' (or any other content).

Picture 4 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Picture 5 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Step 11

Select the text (Cursor) layer and press F8 to convert it into a Movie Clip.

Picture 6 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Step 12

Then, open Properties and enter the cursor text.

Picture 7 of Macromedia Flash - Move objects

Step 13

Next, select the cursor layer again, open the Action Script (F9) and click on the following script:

onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
xm = getProperty (_root, _xmouse);
ym = getProperty (_root, _ymouse);
setProperty ("_ root.cursor", _x, xm);
setProperty ("_ root.cursor", _y, ym);

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
with (_root.cursor) {
gotoAndStop ("clench");

onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
with (_root.cursor) {
gotoAndStop ("open");

So that's it, would you like to see the product available?

Update 25 May 2019


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