Life on Earth may have come from biological particles in cosmic dust

According to scientists, life on earth can be derived from biological particles that bring our planet through space dust.

According to scientists, life on Earth can be derived from biological particles that bring our planet through space dust.

According to scientists, these interstellar dust streams have continuously bombarded the planet's atmosphere, which can bring tiny creatures to this world, or send creatures on earth to the onions. Other researchers, researchers from the University of Edinburgh, said.

Dust streams can collide with biological particles in the Earth's atmosphere with enough energy to push them into space. Such an event could allow bacteria and other forms of life to advance from one planet in the solar system to another and possibly beyond the Solar System. Professor Arjun Berera said.

Picture 1 of Life on Earth may have come from biological particles in cosmic dust

"The rapid release of space dust is found in planetary systems and may be a common element in the proliferation of life in the universe."

The findings, published in the journal Astrobiology, suggest that the effects of large asteroids may not be the only mechanism by which life can switch between planets, as we once thought. Researchers believe that space dust streams can travel up to 70 km / sec - can collide with biological particles in our atmospheric system.

The study shows that small biological particles present at 150 km or more above the ground can be overcome the limit of gravity of Earth gravity, follow the flow of space dust and eventually reach other planets. . The same mechanism could allow the exchange of biological particles in the atmosphere between distant planets.

Some small animals called tardigrade are known to be able to survive in space, so it is possible that these organisms - if present in the earth's atmosphere, can collide with space dust and is moving fast to another planet.

See more:

  1. Space scientists will use "scanning electron microscopes" to search for biological samples on the Red planet
  2. Scientists conclude that the universe should have been wiped out since its formation
  3. Cosmic Science: The star system TRAPPIST-1 does not "exist" the big Moon
Update 24 May 2019


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