What types of masks are resistant to fine dust?
Wearing a mask is an effective way to protect us from air pollution. However, not all types of masks do 'this job' well, especially when the air contains fine dust. So what is fine dust? What kind of mask against fine dust ? Let TipsMake.com learn you!
- What is fine dust? Why do facemasks often not protect against fine dust?
- What is fine dust?
- Harm of fine dust
- Can regular masks filter out fine dust?
- Top 6 best dust protection masks today
What is fine dust? Why do facemasks often not protect against fine dust?
What is fine dust?
Dust (Particulate Matter, PM) is a complex mixture of inorganic, liquid or solid organic matter suspended in the air such as sulfate, nitrate, ammonia, sodium chloride, carbon black, mineral dust and water.
Fine dust, super fine dust includes micro-sized dust particles, of which, the most common are 3 types: PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0.
- PM10: Dust particles with diameter from 2.5 to 10µm.
- PM2.5: Dust particles with a diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 μm.
- PM1.0: Dust particles less than or equal to 1 hoặcm in diameter.
PM10 and PM2.5 dust can be generated from nature (forest fires, desert dust, volcanoes, sand storms, tornadoes, pollen, mushroom spores, insect waste water .) or from activities. human activities (burning charcoal, burning waste, smoking, smoke from industrial parks, construction works .).
What types of masks are resistant to fine dust? Picture 1
Fine dust with micro size
See also : We are breathing in PM2.5 ultra-fine dust, the world's most dangerous dust that can enter human body cells.
Harm of fine dust
A study by WHO (World Health Organization) and IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has shown a positive correlation between the level of smog pollution and the incidence of cancer: Increasing the concentration of PM10 in the air to 10 µg / m3 will increase the incidence of cancer by 22%; an increase of PM2.5 density of 10 µg / m3 will increase the incidence of lung cancer by 36%.
Because of its small size, fine dust such as PM2.5 and PM10 are often very easy to penetrate into organs. A healthy person if exposed to fine dust in a normal level will be at risk of stuffy nose, sore throat, bronchitis; Prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular system, circulatory system and reproductive system.
- PM2.5: As a cause of blood clotting, blood poisoning causes severe circulatory system damage, nervous system depression, leading to cardiovascular diseases.
- Fine dust can impair lung function, causing chronic bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer.
- Pregnant women exposed to fine dust can cause fetal blood poisoning, fetal growth retardation, low birth weight, premature birth, susceptible to neurological diseases, autism.
- PM2.5 dust contains heavy metals that increase the risk of cancer, affecting DNA to cause genetic mutations.
- Fine dust and air pollution also affect the brain, increasing the risk of stroke, memory loss, psychological disorders.
What types of masks are resistant to fine dust? Picture 2
Fine dust causes many harms to health
See also : Air pollution damages millions of kidneys every year
Can regular masks filter out fine dust?
Most masks on the market today are usually composed of 1-3 layers of fabric. With such a structure, they can only filter large dust, but it is difficult to prevent fine dust, super fine dust. That's why, in recent days of peak pollution, many people who wear masks while out are still suffering from respiratory diseases. So what kind of mask is against dust? The next section of the article will help you answer this question.
What types of masks are resistant to fine dust? Picture 3
Ordinary masks are difficult to filter fine dust
Top 6 best dust protection masks today
Xiaomi masks
Xiaomi masks are simple but aesthetically pleasing. Most Xiaomi products are resistant to PM2.5 fine dust. According to price, Xiaomi masks can be divided into 2 categories: Cheap products and high-end products. Cheap masks often only use a few times and then discarded. Meanwhile, high-class products have their own filter layer with the ability to remove up to 99% of fine dust. This filter can be replaced after a few months of use. Not only that, they are also equipped with air valves with fans to help users breathe easier.
What types of masks are resistant to fine dust? Picture 4
Xiaomi fine dust mask
Cambridge Mask
Cambridge Mask is one of the most popular fine dust filter masks in super-polluted countries like China and India. Products are manufactured on modern British technology with 3 filter layers, in which the inner filter made from activated carbon can meet the highest dust filtration standards of the United States. Cambridge Mask masks are relatively diverse models, can use 4 - 12 months depending on the level of pollution. However, the price of this mask is relatively expensive, about 500 thousand VND / unit.
NeoMask mask
NeoMask is designed and manufactured by Neovision - a Vietnamese brand quite famous for health protection products. This type of respirator has a layer of activated carbon filter cloth, helps to filter PM2.5 dust in an outstanding way. The time to use NeoMask masks can last from 1 to 3 months, depending on the level of pollution.
VogMask masks
Not only has the ability to prevent fine dust, VogMask masks also impress with stylish design. The product has a breathing valve and a metal frame at the edge to help hug the face. The time to use VogMask masks can last up to 3 years. The selling price of a pretty 'VogMask' mask is about VND 800,000 / unit.
What types of masks are resistant to fine dust? Picture 5
VogMask masks
PITTA mask
PITTA masks from Japan have only 1 single filter layer but can prevent up to 99% of dust, including fine PM2.5 dust. The product is made of Polyurethane material with the characteristics of being light, soft and non-jamming. The mask is quite stylish, the strap is elastic so it is suitable for many face designs, and can be used for both men and women.
Airphin mask
Airphin originated from Spain, possesses intelligent air filtration technology with European standard quality. These masks can filter out at least 95% of fine dust. The mask design is quite fit, fits all faces thanks to the elastic strap and the flexible metal bar at the edge. Airphin is also equipped with plastic breathing valve and 1 layer of anti-UV filter.
Hopefully our article will help you better understand fine dust as well as the harmful effects of this dust on health. Don't forget to choose a quality dust mask to protect your health from air pollution!
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