10 simple ways to reduce dust in the house

A smoky environment is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous to health because harmful microorganisms will thrive in dust particles.

We all know that being in a smoky environment is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous to health because harmful microorganisms will multiply in dust particles. Microscopic dust particles (fine dust) can become allergens and trigger asthma attacks. For a house, too much dust will ruin the living experience and make homeowners lose comfort.

Today we would like to suggest some ways to reduce the amount of dust without having to clean the whole house.

1. Change to another type of bed sheet

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The sheets are wonderful - it helps to keep us ventilated and allows moisture to pass through. However, some fabrics (for example cotton or cotton) produce a lot of tiny fibers in the form of dust. If this is the case, try switching from cotton to satin. It is more expensive but produces less dust and this is natural.

2. Check the drawers under the bed or sofa

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Storing things under the bed or sofa is really convenient and saves space. However, we also need to keep these drawers tidy. Vacuuming, dusting, and turning piles of old clothes in the drawer are the bare minimum that you need to do periodically to keep them from getting moldy and dusty.

Another important thing is to throw away or give away the excess. The more free space in the boxes, the easier it is to "maintain order" and the less dust in the house.

3. Use a clothes dryer

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Clothes dryers are a real lifesaver in the fight against dust. In the process of drying clothes, the dryer will collect all the dust and small hairs and trap them with a special filter. Clothes that are dried will be soft and fragrant, and when hanging in the closet, they will also be dusty. In addition, the clothes dryer saves space: no more scenes of clothes filling the house on rainy days or clothes floating on the balcony causing unsightly. Your living space will become neater and more airy, especially for families with limited drying space, apartments, dormitories, .

4. Adjust door opening time

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Unless your house is close to the highway or near areas with too many people, it is necessary to close the door often to avoid dust and car fumes, where it is necessary to ventilate the rooms. However, it is important to maintain the "right dose" opening times. The constant opening of windows is a source of dust and dirt flying in from the street.

5. Clean the mattress (mattress) periodically

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You may not notice, but in fact a large amount of dust and microorganisms have been accumulating in your mattress. Because this item is not cleaned regularly, bacteria still exist in it. You need to get into the habit of cleaning, vacuuming your mattress regularly, and dry cleaning it every three to five months.

Only 3 weeks without washing the bed sheet, the girl panicked when she saw the amount of dirt removed

6. Vacuum curtains and furniture

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Vacuuming is not only limited to the floor, but also needs to be done with fabrics. In addition, there is a lot of dust on the curtains and sofas, so don't forget to clean these places. You can consider buying a compact handheld vacuum cleaner to do this. With tools, cleaning curtains and furniture will become much faster and more convenient.

7. Wipe your shoes outdoors before entering the house

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Besides clothes, shoes are the main source of dust from the street into the house. Dust from shoe soles will cling to hallways, doormats,. and then spread throughout the house. Therefore, make it a habit to wipe your shoes with a damp cloth every time you come back from the street.

8. Clean the carpet in front of the house more often

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You may not have noticed, but this is where a large amount of dirt from the streets accumulates that we bring home every day. The carpet in front of the house needs to be changed and cleaned regularly, not just vacuumed. If not cleaned periodically, dirt and bacteria from here will spread throughout the house.

9. Store out-of-season clothes in a vacuum bag

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A lot of dust clings to the clothes in the closet. This can be overcome by seasonally dividing storage. Put out-of-season items in a vacuum bag – that will keep them dust-free, and it won't take up too much space to store them this way.

Thus, you can both clean the dust in the closet, and move out the unnecessary things that you will definitely not wear in the next few months.

10. Pay attention to the fur of the pets

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Brush and bathe your pet more often, especially if they have a thick coat. It is the hairs that fall from pets that are also a source of terrible dust in the house.

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