The propellers are usually dusty, why?

Have you ever wondered why your fan blades are so quickly clogged with dust though your house is quite clean? Obviously the propeller creates wind, does not blow away the dirt but is stuck in dust? Let's find the right answer for this question!

Have you ever wondered why your fan blades are so quickly clogged with dust though your house is quite clean? Obviously the propeller creates wind, does not blow away the dirt but is stuck in dust? Let's find the right answer for this question!

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Why are propellers clinging to dirt?

The answer is due to static electricity. When the rotor rotates, the propeller is always "slashed" into the air, creating friction between the propeller and the air, thereby generating static electricity, creating attraction that is especially for small and light objects flying in gas like dust. Therefore, the more dust is attached to the electric fan, the more the fan rotates, the more static the charge is and the more dust the more.

The propellers are usually dusty, why? Picture 1The propellers are usually dusty, why? Picture 1

In addition, on the same propeller, the amount of dust is not the same, if you pay attention you will see that the front edge of the propeller is more dust and the rest stick less. This is understandable, because this part 'slashes' into the air directly and strongest, the friction there is large, causing the rotor to be electrically contaminated with that place the most and the dust will be thicker.

So how does the fan get dust-free?

Next summer, fans must operate continuously, so they often get dust in the cage and fan blades. Therefore, there is no other way that you have to maintain and clean the fan regularly. This work not only increases the rotation speed of the fan, helps the fan run smoothly but also brings fresh air and ensures health safety for your family.

The propellers are usually dusty, why? Picture 2The propellers are usually dusty, why? Picture 2

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