Keep your Google account secure 'safer'

Menus The account settings (Account Settings) of Google have not changed, but the interface of the installer has new things. That is adding 5 important security settings to your Google account.

Menus The account settings (Account Settings) of Google have not changed, but the interface of the installer has new things. That is adding 5 important security settings to your Google account.

How do you secure your Google account? Will you proceed to install the 'two-step verification'? Do you know which applications can access your account? Do you remember account recovery information when the account is locked?

Picture 1 of Keep your Google account secure 'safer'

Those are important questions for any user using a Google account.

Picture 2 of Keep your Google account secure 'safer'

Fortunately, Google has made it much easier to secure your account with 5 important security settings. Proceed as follows:

First of all, open the account security settings page , you will see a new card with the title 'Secure your Account' . Then, click on the blue 'Get started' button to check the following 5 security settings:

  1. Account recovery information
  2. Recent activities
  3. Allow account access
  4. Application password
  5. Two-step verification

Picture 3 of Keep your Google account secure 'safer'

In fact, these 5 installments are not new additions to Google's security feature, but the new point is at the install interface of each section. At each installation item, you can update or correct the installation content.

With clear content and a concrete example, setting these 5 settings will be easier for users. And after you've done the 5 settings above, make sure your Google account is more secure.

Update 26 May 2019


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