Jokes: Mouse also slash wind

Two mice slashing together. The first mouse: 'I exercise every morning with a mousetrap for good health.'

Two mice slashing together. The first mouse: 'I exercise every morning with a mousetrap for good health.'

- The second rat: 'Normally, every morning I mix rat drink with milk to wake up.'

Suddenly, another mouse came over and pulled out his phone: 'Cat, number 10 Trang Thi? Wait till my brothers and I practice boxing and shake! '

The two mice were shocked.

Picture 1 of Jokes: Mouse also slash wind

Cat and mouse

The cat put the gun to the head of the mouse and asked:

- 1 + 1 = what?

- Yes! = 2 sir!

- 'Pàng'! The cat blew the gun smoke: You know so much.

Still asking that question, the second mouse thought and trembled.

- Yes! I don't know

- 'Pàng'! The cat blew again: The kind of ignorant like you should not live.

To the third mouse, the cat still asked the same question. This child thought and answered:

- How about knowing not knowing?

- 'Pàng'! As dangerous as you are, the more you have to die.

Continuing the fourth mouse, which is again the question, this one thinks and answers:

- Answer me kill, do not answer you kill, answer wrong I kill, answer correct also kill, then you know what to do?

- 'Pàng'! You must die because you talk too much.

At the last mouse, still with the same question, this one quickly answered:

- Sir! With such tough questions, only the sublime as you have the correct answer!

The cat said cheerfully: You can, follow me!

Living in life . intelligence also dies, ignorance also dies, tricks also die, reasoning also dies. Only flattery is to survive.

  1. Jokes for Tet
  2. Technology joke: Perfume smells computer
Update 11 January 2020


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