iPhone X cannot distinguish two twins

The weakness of iPhone X is that the two identical twins. It is indistinguishable.

The weakness of iPhone X is that the two identical twins. It is indistinguishable.

This is the first time Apple has used Face ID, the technology to create unlocked face identification, Apple Pay verification and will replace Touch ID fingerprint sensor technology.

On the surface, this change is reasonable. According to Apple, the Face ID has a higher security than Touch ID when its error rate is 1 in 1 million times and the Touch ID is 1 in 50,000 times.

According to personal testing, the Face ID is a convenient way to unlock iPhone, identify it well, even when wearing a hat.

See also: How does Face ID of Apple work?

When disclosing Face ID in September, Apple also warned that the error rate could be higher if two people have the same DNA. In other words, twins will have difficulty using Face ID.

There is no official number of twins in the world, but there are usually 32 people in every 1000 people who are twins. Based on the parameters when sketching faces may not apply to them.

Face ID test with twins

Two pairs of MJ brothers Franklin - Marc and Carlos Cadorniga - Alex participated in the test to see whether iPhone X can distinguish them.

Picture 1 of iPhone X cannot distinguish two twins

Two brothers Marc and MJ Franklin at Face ID test of iPhone X

First, a person will register the face with the phone, confirming that he can unlock it by looking at it, then pass the phone to the other person.

For both twins, the other one can unlock the iPhone X. The Franklin brothers both removed glasses and Face ID were indistinguishable.

Apple has never said that Face ID is perfect, but at least it has not been fooled by images or videos. But for twins, the results will make them think. By the way, Windows 10's Windows Hello recognition technology is also going through this challenge but the other is that it succeeds in distinguishing two twins.

Because Face ID uses chips and powerful algorithms - can learn how to change the face over time - it is hoped that its ability to identify twins will also improve.

Update 24 May 2019


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