Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead

Recently, Forbes conducted a test using a 3D print head to overcome the face recognition security on 4 flagship Android smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6, and an iPhone X.

Face detection is currently one of the technologies used as a security feature on some mobile devices. But the accuracy and safety of this technology is still controversial.

Recently, Forbes conducted a test using a 3D print head to overcome the face recognition security on 4 flagship Android smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6, and an iPhone X.

Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead Picture 1Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead Picture 1

First, Forbes placed a fake head at Backface printing company. Forbes reporter Thomas Brewster was led into a studio equipped with about 50 cameras installed around. The entire corner of Thomas's face will be captured and then made into a complete 3D image. After being edited on the software, 3D images of Thomas will become more complete.

Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead Picture 2Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead Picture 2

Based on that 3D image, Backface uses a 3D printer to create a model of a plaster head. Finally, paint and add details such as eyebrows, beards, and even acne if any.

After acquiring his 3D print head (costing around £ 300), Thomas began testing the ability to identify faces of the five smartphones.

After setting up his own real-time face recognition security feature, Thomas experimented with opening a smartphone with a 3D print head.

Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead Picture 3Face unlock on Galaxy S9, Note8, LG G7 and OnePlus 6 easily fooled by a 3D printhead Picture 3

The results were unexpected, although the degree of ease was different, but all four Android smartphones were deceived by the 3D print head. Only Apple's iPhone X did not let the fake head pass.

Interestingly, the LG G7 has warned that face recognition is an unlocking method that makes your phone less secure when Thomas first activates face detection. And it is the hardest to beat Thomas phone in the four Android smartphones.

Samsung Galaxy S9 also gives a similar warning. The 3D print head was unable to overcome the iris recognition feature of Galaxy S9 but easily overcome the face recognition feature.

Note8 also confirmed that face detection is considered a convenient operation to unlock, fingerprint and iris are still safer biometric security features.

Face detection feature on the OnePlus 6 is the least safe. The 3D print head only takes about 1 second to unlock this smartphone.

See more:

  1. 3D face recognition on Mate 20 Pro is easily fooled by two people just the same about hair and beard
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  3. The face detection feature of the OnePlus 6 is easily overcome by a printed photo
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