Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!

When you try to stop the aging process, do you forget the most important human organ: the brain? The older we get, the less our brain functions. But when Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56, the genius's brain was as healthy and creative as he was when he was 2 years old.

There have been many articles written about the secret of success of Steve Jobs, one of which is meditation habit. But recently neuroscientists have confirmed the true effect of meditation on human health.

Picture 1 of Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!Picture 1 of Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!

When Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56, the genius's brain was as healthy and creative as he was at 27 years old thanks to practicing meditation.

Steve Jobs meditated to improve health, increase work efficiency, but there was one benefit to meditation that he himself did not expect. The common effect of meditation is to make the human mind more peaceful, clearer, able to handle, manage better, improve memory, reduce depression . And maybe you do not know: meditation It can also prevent the aging process, especially for our brain.

According to the Psychology Today page: " Brain endoscopy technology has shown that: as people get older, the brain shrinks. The nerves in the brain shrink, causing large cerebrospinal fluid compartments. over and even leaving holes in the brain, contractions that occur in nerve cell branches that form touch points between nerve cells. Neurons produce dopamine (an important chemical compound in the brain that has many beneficial effects both mentally and physically), the cause of Parkinson's disease - a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system affecting the patient's movement, balance and muscle control status. "

The decline of the brain has many symptoms: less responsive reflexes, impaired memory, difficulty absorbing new things, thinking becomes discrete, poor stamina, .

These signs appear more often at the age of 45 years, at this age, the brain has lost about 4% -5% of the level of mental sensitivity and increasingly declining. The age of 60 is the time to clearly see these symptoms, and when you are 70 years old, your body is completely depressed.

Science has proven that eating, sleeping, and moderation will slow down this "aging" process. However, this lifestyle only helps maintain the appearance of people, our brain is still under the influence of age, gradually declining its functions.

Fortunately, there is a method not only to slow down the aging process but even help to "rejuvenate" our brain, namely meditation. A study conducted at Harvard Medical University and Massachusetts General Hospital found that practicing meditation for 30 minutes a day for eight weeks helps:

- Thickening the back skin, increasing ability to focus and confidence.

- Thickening the left hippocampus, increasing the ability to regulate emotions, ability to think and remember.

- Thickening the junction between the apical lobe and the temporal lobe, increasing the ability to empathize, understand and personal view. Since then built good and positive relationships.

- Almond ganglion - is located in the center of the brain where the human emotions are handled, reducing stress and negative reactions.

Picture 2 of Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!Picture 2 of Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!

Practicing meditation for 30 minutes a day for eight weeks will bring significant health and mental improvement benefits.

Meditation is very effective in repairing and recovering from mental trauma. Make your brain minimize the signs of aging, stay clear, at least 25 years younger than your actual age.

Because Steve Jobs was a meditator, when he died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56, the genius's brain was as healthy and creative as he was at 27 years old. to the philosophy and thinking of the work of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, the father of the iPhone: all of his designs are minimalist and sophisticated.

Picture 3 of Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!Picture 3 of Doing this 30 minutes a day will help young people at least 25 years old, Steve Jobs used to be and always be creative like his twenties!

Apple also encourages employees to meditate to increase work efficiency. That has become a feature of this company.

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