Instructions to play Live stream on Facebook chat group by phone

In addition to the Livestream feature directly on your Facebook profile, you can now Livestream on any Facebook group you join.

Livestream is now a trend not too strange for Facebook users, not only that this feature is also widely developed on Zalo and games. Thanks to Livestream, you can know where your friends are doing, help you update information quickly and accurately. In addition to the Livestream feature directly on your Facebook profile, you can now Livestream on any Facebook group you join.

To perform this trick, please follow the following article of the Network Administrator to perform on your team.

Step 1:

Picture 1 of Instructions to play Live stream on Facebook chat group by phone

First, you need to go to a certain Group you have joined and want Livestream. To search the group list, you can go to Menu.

Step 2:

Picture 2 of Instructions to play Live stream on Facebook chat group by phone

After clicking on the group, in the Status Post section, you will see the Live Play Icon, click it to proceed to Livestream.

Step 3:

Picture 3 of Instructions to play Live stream on Facebook chat group by phone
Picture 4 of Instructions to play Live stream on Facebook chat group by phone
Picture 5 of Instructions to play Live stream on Facebook chat group by phone

Now, you are ready to livestream, but you can still customize your livestream to be more animated by setting the Title for Livestream, selecting filters and interesting effects, tagging your friends' names, location, . All features are as complete as when you livestream on personal Facebook.

So I've just instructed you how to livestream in the group on Facebook, if you find it useful, don't forget to share it with everyone. Having fun.

See more:

  1. Instructions to play Live stream on Zalo chat group
  2. Instructions for setting up Live Stream feature Facebook videos on mobile and tablet
  3. This is how Live Stream Facebook Video on PC, Fanpage
Update 24 May 2019


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