HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

The resounding success of ChatGPT has opened up an extremely exciting AI race. Two of the most talked about alternatives to ChatGPT are HuggingChat and Bing Chat.

Labs and AI tech companies have been catching up since OpenAI released ChatGPT. The resounding success of ChatGPT has opened up an extremely exciting AI race.

Two of the most talked about alternatives to ChatGPT are HuggingChat and Bing Chat. In today's article, check out how HuggingChat and Bing Chat confront ChatGPT in 9 different aspects.

1. The complexity of the language model

The overall performance of an AI chatbot depends on its language model. Less sophisticated language models are prone to inaccuracies.

Compare the models used on ChatGPT, Bing Chat and Hugging Chat by having them generate essays. The process of testing is to see if they can build consistent analyzes from the data taken.

HuggingChat uses OpenAssistant, a Meta AI-based model of large language modeling (LLaMA).

Picture 1 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?


Although grammatically correct, the output sounds unnatural. It follows a messy outline, clumsy sentences, plus the chatbot stops writing at around 200+ words. Other tools can easily generate more than 500 words.

Picture 2 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

BingChat runs on GPT-4. It produces well-structured, fluent and natural-sounding articles.

Picture 3 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?


The free version of ChatGPT still runs on GPT-3.5. It mimics human-like writing, but some parts don't sound very smooth.

Picture 4 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

2. Security restrictions

Bing is subject to more rigid restrictions than its rivals. It fends off exploit attempts by disabling malicious prompts in the first place. You cannot force Bing to respond to such requests.

Take the dialogue below as an example. Bing Chat rejects role-playing requests because users could trick it into imitating controversial characters.

Picture 5 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?


The article tried the same prompt with HuggingChat. After entering the character, it changes the tone and wording of the output. New characters answer questions that were originally forbidden.

Picture 6 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

Reminders also work on ChatGPT. Despite ignoring some guidelines, the platform still completely rejects exploit attempts. For instance, you can't tell it to encrypt malware.

Picture 7 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

3. Functions

Chatbot AI performs similar functions. They write essays, answer questions about general knowledge, and translate languages, among many other tasks.

But don't expect the same level of functionality. The quality of their output depends on the existing dataset, model complexity, and limitations.

HuggingChat has less restrictions than ChatGPT and Bing Chat. Unfortunately, the language model and its less sophisticated data sets also get in the way of functionality. Take the translation as an example. Despite the platform's efforts, its translation of the text below is misleading.


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Bing Chat translates text correctly.

Picture 9 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

Bing Chat's connection to the Internet and advanced language model allow it to perform a variety of tasks. However, it has some limitations. The chatbot won't even discuss the chemical reactions between bleach and detergent, although this reaction can be dangerous to use and can also be questioned by someone studying chemistry. .

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Meanwhile, the photos below show that ChatGPT can act as a translation tool and have chemical reaction insights. It is very flexible.

Picture 11 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?


Picture 12 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

4. Accuracy

HuggingChat is "famous" for its "hallucination AI". Its flawed language model and limited dataset produce inconsistent and inaccurate answers.

Take the dialogue below as an example. HuggingChat cannot access reports after 2021 but confidently answers general knowledge questions about 2022. The correct answer should be Beijing, China.

Picture 13 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

Bing Chat provides real-time data. It runs search queries and pulls relevant, up-to-date information from verified sources.

Picture 14 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

ChatGPT exhibits better accuracy than HuggingChat, although it also has limited access to events after 2021.

Picture 15 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

5. Language and Expression

HuggingChat can hold conversations, compose grammatically correct essays, and mimic common expressions. But it does occasionally make typos and errors. They often arise when you feed it complex instructions in a row.

Picture 16 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?


Bing Chat's enhanced GPT-4 model mimics human-like expressions well. It has a casual, conversational tone, produces error-free outputs, and presents relevant information.

Picture 17 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

ChatGPT is better than HuggingChat but worse than Bing Chat. Although grammatically correct, its output intonation sounds rigid and mechanical.

Picture 18 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

6. Math and Arithmetic Accuracy

Although HuggingChat has a limited dataset, it can accurately answer math questions. Just be aware that it may not show the solution.

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When asked the same problem multiple times, HuggingChat gives different answers.

Bing Chat has access to real-time data - it can accurately answer math problems.

Picture 20 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

It even shows its complete solution.

Picture 21 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

ChatGPT cannot solve statistical problems. But its precise language model produces correct results even if you repeat the question many times.

Picture 22 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

7. Transparency

HuggingChat is an open source ChatGPT alternative. Users can freely access HuggingChat's Model Card and Dataset Library. It even shows how to apply the same AI system to applications.

Meanwhile, Bing Chat's rigid restrictions prevent it from discussing common processes.

Picture 23 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

ChatGPT is transparent about its back-end processes. It just doesn't provide an open source library like HuggingChat.

Picture 24 of HuggingChat or Bing Chat is a better ChatGPT alternative?

8. Accessibility

You can only access Hugging Chat and ChatGPT through their website. They run on various browsers, for example, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari and Brave.

Meanwhile, Bing Chat provides cross-platform accessibility. In addition to accessing the Chat feature on its website, you can use it through:

  1. Browser Extensions: You will find the Bing Chat extension in the top right corner of Microsoft Edge.
  2. Skype integration: Mention Bing Chat in your group chats or send a private message to Bing on Skype.
  3. Mobile app: The mobile version of Bing Chat is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The biggest limitation of Bing Chat is that its web version only runs on Edge. You may find it inconvenient if all your logins, extensions, and bookmarks are on another browser.

9. Input processing speed

HuggingChat, ChatGPT, and Bing Chat can parse and generate hundreds of words within seconds, but they process input differently. Spaces don't get in the way of simple prompts. However, you will probably notice them when performing complex and lengthy multi-step tasks.

HuggingChat is prone to crashes. Problems can occur during peak hours, especially when running complex requests. But since HuggingFace has fewer resources than Microsoft and OpenAI, it is understandable that it has lower capacity servers.

Meanwhile, Bing Chat offers much more reliability than HuggingChat. It rarely crashes. Responses are just slower than ChatGPT because Bing pulls real-time data online.

Recent versions of ChatGPT have also become quite reliable. They are faster and less prone to server overload. You might consider signing up for ChatGPT Plus to use the faster, more accurate GPT-4 model.

Is HuggingChat or Bing Chat better than ChatGPT?

HuggingChat is currently lagging behind ChatGPT and Bing Chat. It makes typos, contains limited data about events after 2021, and misinterprets complex instructions. All these shortcomings also cause hallucinations. Hopefully HuggingFace will showcase its chatbot with more quality models and datasets; otherwise transparency would be its only plus.

As for ChatGPT and Bing Chat, consider testing the two for yourself to see the pros and cons of each. ChatGPT is flexible but does not provide real-time information, while Bing Chat is connected to the Internet and subject to rigid restrictions.

Update 27 June 2023


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