How to use a multifunction desk phone to automatically answer and record calls

Using a multifunction desk phone will allow you to set up automatic answering and recording of incoming calls like a voicemail box.

Using a multifunction desk phone will allow you to set up automatic answering and recording of incoming calls like a voice mail box. In addition to the functions of a basic desk phone, it also has other extended function keys and a display, contacts to store the necessary phone numbers, etc. These functions are not popular with many people. know and know how to use them properly even though they are very useful. It would be a pity if you own a modern phone but do not get the convenience of it.

Picture 1 of How to use a multifunction desk phone to automatically answer and record calls
How to use a multifunction desk phone to automatically answer and record calls

How to use a multifunction desk phone


Buttons to save phone numbers for quick calling

Buttons M1 M2 M3are buttons used to quickly dial a phone number with a single tap. These buttons are often used for important phone numbers.

When you want to remember a phone number, don't pick up the HandSet - the handset of the phone, but press the number keys to enter the phone number to be saved and then press or press and hold the key for a few M1seconds to save the number to the button M1. Next Perform to save the phone number to the button M2 and  M3 each button can only save 1 phone number.

On some other phones you may have to do this by pressing the button M1first and then pressing the phone number to save and then pressing the button OKto agree.

When you want to call a saved phone number, you just need to pick up the HandSet - Handset of the phone and press the button one of the numbers M1 M2 M3corresponding to that number.


HOLD . Button

The button has a hold function. When there is an incoming call and you are busy or need to transfer the phone to someone else, please ask the caller to hold the phone for a moment, then press the button and HOLDput the HandSet - Handset in its position, this time will there is an indicator light displayed on the phone and at the same time plays music for the caller to listen to while waiting, when listening, pick up the HandSet - Listen as usual.


PAUSE button

The button has the function of creating a pause when dialing, this feature is often required to use when calling through the switchboard or when making long distance calls. Some phone numbers share the same key REDIALand PAUSE  are usually denoted by  RDL/P.



If the phone has a speakerphone, when pressing the button SPEAKER PHONE or  SP-PHONEwill use the phone's microphone and speakerphone function without having to pick up the HandSet . This button usually has the icon of a speaker.

HEADSET is a function that allows you to use a headset with a microphone to make calls.


MUTE button

The button has the function to temporarily mute the sound. While on the phone, if you press the button MUTE, the person you're talking to won't hear your voice, but you can still hear their voice. When you want to talk again, press the button MUTEagain.


VOLUME button

VOLUME The or button  VOLis used to adjust the volume for headphones or Speaker Phone - Speakerphone.



On multifunction phones with display, there will be a button MENU or  FUNCTIONfor you to set up other extended functions such as Date - date, Clock - clock, PhoneBook - contacts, Music - music on hold, Call Retrict - Block calls,.

Other buttons such as OK- Agree to change settings, CANCEL- Cancel setting changes, ERASE or  DELETE- Delete currently selected settings, EXIT- Exit the setting screen,.

How to use a landline phone to automatically answer and record incoming calls

Some higher-end phones, in addition to functions like regular phones, also have buttons to automatically answer and record incoming calls when you are away from home. Here's how to use some function buttons to set up automatic answering and recording incoming calls.

Picture 2 of How to use a multifunction desk phone to automatically answer and record calls
The phone has the function of automatically answering and recording calls


OGM Button - Outgoing Message

The button has the function of recording your message to automatically answer when there is an incoming call but you do not pick up the phone. To record, press and hold the button  OGMfor about 1 second, when you hear the beep signal, read your message. For example, you can say " I'm not at home right now, please leave a message after I hear the beep " to be memorized, after reading, press the button OGMagain to finish. .

Note the time of the message must be more than 2 seconds and the limit is 30 seconds. In addition, you can click OGMthis to select the message available in the device or your message.


RING TIME button

The button selects the number of times the ringer rings before automatically switching to OGM call recording mode . For example, if you press the button RING TIME3 times, then after 3 rings without picking up the phone, the system will emit your message and then switch to recording the incoming caller's message.


REC TIME button

The button selects the maximum time that allows recording the incoming caller's message, about a few minutes.


PLAY/STOP . button

Button for playback of incoming caller's messages. When you see a recorded message on the screen, press the button PLAY/STOPto listen to the messages one by one. While listening you can press this button again to stop.


DELETE button

The button deletes the currently listening message. While listening to a message you can press and hold the button DELETEfor about 1 second to delete this message. If you want to delete all recorded messages in your device, press and hold the button DELETEfor about 3 seconds.


REPEAT . button

Button to listen to the message you just heard. While listening to a message, you can press the button REPEATto listen to the message you just heard.


SKIP button

The button moves to listen to the next message. While listening to a message, you can click the button  SKIPto skip the message you are listening to to skip to the next message.


MEMO button or 2 WAY RECORD

MEMOThe or button 2 WAY RECORDis used to record the call you are listening to or record your own message to the phone. While on the phone with a headset, you can press this button and hold it for a few seconds to record. You will hear a beep to indicate that the call is recorded.

In addition, when there is a need to go out, you can also leave a message to your loved ones by clicking the button and MEMOthen reading your message to record. A new message will appear on the screen and everyone can listen to it.

View information of phone area codes of 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam

Update 08 May 2023


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