How to fix opening XML files on iTaxViewer

iTaxViewer is software for reading XML files that are widely used. However, there are many people who often encounter errors that cannot open XML files with iTaxViewer, affecting work.

iTaxViewer is software to read XML files, especially familiar to those who regularly have to read tax returns. In the process of opening the XML file with iTaxViewer, sometimes you will inevitably encounter errors, such as error codes, version errors, file format errors, errors that cannot open this file, but still open another file , . This affects work. So how to fix the error of not opening the XML file with iTaxViewer?

  1. How to read XML files with iTaxViewer software
  2. Trick to create XML files in Word 2003
  3. Convert XML into relational data used in DB2

How to fix XML file opening errors on iTaxViewer

  1. Download iTaxViewer software

1. File file error is not properly formatted

When you see this error, the computer screen will appear as shown below and as such, you will not be able to open the XML file. To fix the error, turn off the notification dialog and open the iTaxViewer software. In the main interface iTaxViewer click on the Open item and find the directory to save the XML file to open is.

How to fix opening XML files on iTaxViewer Picture 1How to fix opening XML files on iTaxViewer Picture 1

In case when you click directly on the XML file to open it, you can open it directly in the iTaxViewer interface. This error is caused by the XML file being placed in the bookmarked folder, so it is possible to change the directory to unsigned so that it will no longer be encountered.

2. Error code, incorrect version error

You will encounter a lot of cases related to this error, such as not opening the file in the folder, only opening the file saved on the computer screen. Please check the directory where the XML file is stored and make sure the folders are unsigned. The saved XML file name is also unsigned to prevent errors from occurring.

3. Error not opening some XML files

This is often the case when users upgrade iTaxViewer to the latest version and cannot open some XML files. Try deleting the file that cannot be opened and reload the file to read it on iTaxViewer.

Above are some common errors when using iTaxViewer to read XML files and how to fix these errors. If the software encounters errors, try upgrading iTaxViewer to the new version to fix it.

See more:

  1. How to open CSV file when Microsoft Excel is not installed
  2. How to fix Vietnamese error when opening CSV file in Excel
  3. How to check typing speed, typing 10 fingers

Hope this article is useful to you!

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