How to fix error 524: A Timeout Occurred

Error 524: A Timeout Occurred is an HTTP status code reserved for Cloudflare, indicating that the connection to the server has been closed due to a timeout.

Depending on the context, the 524 error message may prevent you from loading web pages, logging into an online gaming platform, or using a software.

Or, the game or application may work well when you use it offline and error 524: A Timeout Occurred is displayed when you try to access an online feature.

Error 524: A Timeout Occurred is almost always displayed on two lines like this:

Error 524 A timeout occurred

Error message 524 can be found on any device running any operating system.

The cause of error 524

Error message 524 is seen in situations involving Cloudflare. The error means that Cloudflare has established a connection to the server it is about to contact, but the server took too long to respond.

If you see this error while trying to access a certain website or feature in the app, then you can't do much as a visitor, except to notify the service owner. or application. However, there are exceptions to this, as you will see below.

On the other hand, if you are the owner of a website and receive error 524: A Timeout Occurred, there are a few things you can try to fix the problem.

Picture 1 of How to fix error 524: A Timeout Occurred
Error message 524: A Timeout Occurred

How to fix error 524: A Timeout Occurred

Step 1. Refresh the webpage if you see an error in the browser or shut down and restart the program if you see error 524 there. This may be a temporary problem that a simple reboot will fix.

Step 2. Uninstall completely, then reinstall the program by downloading the latest version from the company's website or the installation disc.

Some users report that the 524 error has been resolved since the connection to the server was reset, but this method is probably only useful if the 524 error occurs in a program without a browser, such as an application. Connect to the gaming server.

Step 3. If you get an error using the Origin gaming platform, it may be related to the built-in restrictions in your account. Children's accounts are restricted and they do not allow you to play online, communicate with friends, download games from the Origin store, etc.

If this is the reason you see error code 524, you must be logged into the child account to upgrade it to full / adult account. But aside from changing the account holder's birthday, this can only happen once you are no longer considered underage. You will be notified when the child account is eligible for an upgrade.

Step 4. Depending on the popularity of the website or service, the error 524 could be due to an unexpected number of visitors that the site does not expect, which can stress server resources, resulting in Error timed out.

Waiting is all you can do in this case.

Tip : If the website doesn't work due to error message 524, you can access its cached version by searching the page on Wayback Machine here.

Are you a website owner?

Follow these steps if you are the owner of the site or if you have the appropriate credentials to make server-side changes.

Step 1. Disable all website plugins and then repeat the action showing error message 524. If this can fix the error, re-enable the plugins, one by one, until you can pinpoint exactly which one caused the error 524: A Timeout Occurred.

Step 2. Increased server load due to DDoS attack may be the cause of error 524, in which case, you can enable DDos protection through Cloudflare.

If the 524 error message is because your site suddenly receives a lot of legitimate traffic, consider upgrading your hosting package to match the additional resources needed to serve that number of visitors.

Step 3. Move any long-running process to an unauthorized secondary domain (gray cloud icon) in the Cloudflare DNS application. Any HTTP request that doesn't get a response from the original server for more than 100 seconds (or more than 600 seconds for business clients) will be timed out and you'll see error 524: A Timeout Occurred.

Step 4. Some error messages 524 are caused by something out of your control. Contact the hosting provider and let them know the error code, the time zone where the error occurred 524 and the URL leading to the error. They may need to check server logs and memory levels.

Update 03 August 2020


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