Intel still wants ultrabook to be thinner

The processor manufacturer offers many suggestions for manufacturers to increase the thinness of the device from components such as hard drives, keyboards or new screen panels.

The processor manufacturer offers many suggestions for manufacturers to increase the thinness of the device from components such as hard drives, keyboards or new screen panels.

Intel still wants ultrabook to be thinner Picture 1Intel still wants ultrabook to be thinner Picture 1
Intel introduced specifying the thinness of each component component to achieve the overall size of the product.

Samples of ultrabook in the market now have a thickness between 17 and 22 mm. With the arrival of Windows 8 operating system combined with touch screen platforms, Intel's latest document shows that the company also wants to add a few millimeters more thinness in today's hot laptop standard.

Appearing at Intel's annual conference this week, the slide shows that ultrabook will have a touch screen and keyboard with a thickness of only 2.5 mm, a 0.5 mm thin touch panel and a drive. Hard also has a very modest thickness of 5 mm. Earlier, Microsoft also launched the keyboard set of Surface with a thickness of only 3 mm.

Intel's new moves show that Western Digital has just introduced a 5 mm thin hard drive that is not a coincidence. The latest microprocessor manufacturer also confirmed that the fourth-generation Core i Haswell processor in the future will produce less heat and has a power consumption of only 10 watts, in accordance with ultrabook.

Intel still wants ultrabook to be thinner Picture 2Intel still wants ultrabook to be thinner Picture 2

Wester Digital's slim 5 mm hard drive was released this week.

In addition, an internal leaked document published by Lilputing also shows that future ultrabooks will have a minimum battery life of up to 9 hours and the price will be popular at only $ 699.

Only Acer has released the Aspire S7 ultrabook with a 17-millimeter thickness that was released in December this year. Other vendors such as HP, Asus, Toshiba or Sony are also likely to guide Intel's proposal.

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