How to create a swipeable interface in a React app using Swiper

Swiper is a flexible library that allows you to create swipeable interfaces in React applications. Let's explore how to create a swipeable interface in a React app using Swiper!

Swiper is a flexible library that allows you to create swipeable interfaces in React applications. In this article, let's explore with TipsMake how you can create a swipeable interface in your React app using Swiper !

Picture 1 of How to create a swipeable interface in a React app using Swiper

Install Swiper

Swiper is one of many libraries that you can use to customize your React apps. To get started with Swiper, you need to install it in your React app. You can do this with a terminal command running in the project root directory like this:

npm install swiper

After installing Swiper, you can use it in the app.

Create a swipeable interface

After installing Swiper in your React app, you can create a swipeable interface. Start by importing the Swiper and SwiperSlide components from the Swiper library.

The Swiper component is the core of the Swiper library. It defines the structure, behavior, and functionality of the swipeable component. The SwiperSlide component is a child of Swiper. It identifies the individual slides that are in the Swiper component.

Example of swipeable interface with Swiper and SwiperSlide component:


import React from 'react'; import { Swiper, SwiperSlide} from "swiper/react"; import 'swiper/css'; function App() { return ( Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 4 ) } export default App

In addition to Swiper and SwiperSlide , this block of code imports the default table for Swiper using the swiper/css module .

This example then encapsulates the Swiper component around four SwiperSlide subcomponents. Each Swiper Slide contains a div element with a className attribute . You can use className to style the div element:

.element { inline-size: 100px; border-radius: 12px; padding: 1rem; color: #333333; background-color: #e2e2e2; font-family: cursive; }

Customize the swipeable interface

After successfully creating a swipeable interface, you can easily enhance its design and functionality according to your needs.

With Swiper, you can customize the behavior and appearance of the interface with different options. You pass those selections to the Swiper component as props in React:

import React from 'react'; import { Swiper, SwiperSlide} from "swiper/react"; import 'swiper/css'; function App() { return ( Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 4 ) } export default App


In this example, the Swiper component has 3 props (properties): spaceBetween , slidesPerView , and loop . spaceBetween sets the distance between each slide, here it's 30 pixels.

Using slidesPerView , you can set the number of slides to display at once. In this case, sidesPerView being set to 2 causes the Swiper component to show 2 slides at the same time.

Finally, the loop determines whether the slides will loop endlessly or not. In this example, the slide will loop endlessly because the loop property is true .

Above is how to create a swipe interface for a React application using Swiper . Hope the article is useful to you.

Update 24 July 2023


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