How to create a safe, secure password

To avoid account theft, or being impersonated ... you need to know how to set a strong password for each of your accounts.

Currently, there are many forums, social networking sites, game sites, websites that provide learning and working materials…. To participate you need to create your own account and having to set a password (password) for the account is also an important issue. To avoid account theft, or being impersonated . you need to know how to set a strong password for each of your accounts.

Picture 1 of How to create a safe, secure password

Here are some guidelines that may be helpful to help you secure passwords for accounts.

Set a separate password for each account: You or set a password for all accounts on the network to remember. But if someone knows your password for a website, they can use this password to try to access your other accounts on other websites that you have an account with.

Number of characters: At least 8 characters long, set password as long as possible will be difficult to guess.

Character type: Use letters, numbers and special characters. Also can use extra capital letters to increase the security of the password.

Password content: You should put a phrase that only you know, do not set a password with the same name as your account, personal information, common phrases .

Create a password that is easy to remember for you but difficult to guess for others: You can think of a catchy phrase, or a phrase that you like the most and use the letters of that phrase as a password .

Keep passwords safe and confidential: If you have multiple accounts, each account has a password that makes it difficult to remember. You can take notes in a notebook, or a folder on your computer and make sure the content is in a place only you know. Or you can use an account management computer program .

Always set up recovery options: You should set the security for each account such as adding phone numbers, emails so that when you lose your account, you can easily recover the password for your account.

Avoid links to illegal websites: Be careful before accessing untrusted websites, links that require login, password change or provide personal information.

Tips from Google experts:

1. Use a long, "unique" password with numbers, special characters, capital letters, symbols, etc.

2. Do not send your password via email and especially do not share it with others.

3. Use password recovery options and regularly update them.

4. Be careful of phishing scams by not sending feedback messages to unreliable emails, messages or websites asking for personal or financial information.

5. Regularly update the browser and operating system on personal computers and mobile devices.

6. Always exit the account after use.

Above are some suggestions to help you can create a password strong enough to avoid account theft. You should combine ways to provide secure passwords for your accounts.

Update 19 May 2020


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