How to check fake news on Facebook

Every day there are always dozens of rumors, sensational stories spreading on Facebook social networks in Vietnam. By using untrue or edited images / videos, many people have fiddled with stories and events with the purpose to become alcoholic on social networks.

Every day there are always dozens of rumors, sensational stories spreading on Facebook social networks in Vietnam. By using untrue or edited images / videos, many people have fiddled with stories and events with the purpose to become alcoholic on social networks.

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So the question arises, in the age of information as a storm, how do we find out whether this information is right or wrong, real or fake? Please refer to the following article of

Search backwards by image

First of all, in order to authenticate a source containing images, supposedly a real image, and seeing a headset, we can use the reverse image search method provided by Google. Basically, we can use images as search content, to find relevant images from around the Internet.

In particular, the results we receive when you search by image include:

  1. The same picture
  2. The site contains images

Picture 1 of How to check fake news on Facebook

From there, we can trace the fictional stories on social networks. As illustrated above, moon cakes are made of pure gold in China.

Use YouTube DataViewer tool

In case rumors are videos on Youtube, we can verify these videos through a tool called YouTube DataViewer . Basically, YouTube DataViewer is a tool launched by Amnesty International that allows users to detect protected videos and videos using YouTube.

Picture 2 of How to check fake news on Facebook

The main purpose of this tool is to find videos that have been stolen, or reposted as another user. Based on this, we can easily verify that the feverish Youtube video of the online community is a new, well-remixed video with unwarranted purpose.

The operation mechanism of YouTube DataViewer is also very simple, we just need to put the URL of the video to verify into this tool, then the data will be uploaded, analyzed and compared with the existing video. on Youtube. Of course, the more "pirated" versions of videos appear on Youtube, the verification will be faster and more efficient.

Use the Exif Viewer tool Jeffrey

Similar to Google Images, Jeffrey Exif Viewer is an online tool that allows users to know EXIF ​​of photos. For those who don't know, EXIF ​​is a part that contains a lot of information about the photos that someone took, it also has the ability to take advantage of the built-in GPS sensor on the camera to record the location where the photo was taken. .

Picture 3 of How to check fake news on Facebook

EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format ( image file format can be converted ). Every time a photo is taken from a camera or phone, a file ( usually JPEG ) will be recorded on our storage device. In addition to providing bit coefficients for all images, EXIF ​​also has the ability to save metadata such as the shooting time, camera settings and possibly copyright information. of that photo.

Finally, if we use a phone or a camera with a GPS sensor, EXIF ​​can also record specific data about the location where you took the picture. This means, if we use Jeffrey's Exif Viewer, we can track the feverish picture that netizens are sharing.

Use FotoForensics tool

Today, with the help of Photoshop tools and professional image processing programs, users can easily turn a normal photo into a "special" image.

Picture 4 of How to check fake news on Facebook

For that reason, when viewing photos that cause fever or "unbelievable" as the above example is shared publicly on social networks, we will not know where, that is the real picture, where Is the image edited if only observed with the naked eye?

And that's when we need FotoForensics online service. With the introduction of image URLs or direct image downloads, FotoForensics will use Error Level Analysis (ELA) algorithm to analyze image errors at different levels. When the processing is complete, the results page will provide the original image and the analytical image, we can observe and compare the two images to see if the image has been edited or even changed as how.

Use WolframAlpha tool

WolframAlpha is a smart computing tool that allows you to check the weather conditions at a specific time and place. Thereby, we can search for information using questions such as: "Weather in Hanoi at 6pm on September 22, 2015" to know the exact weather information.

Picture 5 of How to check fake news on Facebook

For example, if someone shares a picture: "Hanoi is melting fat" on its timeline and WolframAlpha reports that Hanoi is now just under 30 degrees, then obviously, someone is just cutting the wind. only

Use online maps

In the last case, if you suspect the location from photos taken by "hotboy", "hotgirl" or check-in, five-year travel, four tanks, we can verify through the tools Online maps are Google Street , Google Earth and Wikimapia .

Picture 6 of How to check fake news on Facebook

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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