This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked

The personal information that users share intentionally or unintentionally with giants of Facebook and Google makes you startled.

The personal information that users share intentionally or unintentionally with giants of Facebook and Google makes you startled.

Google knows where you are

From the first day you use Google and turn on the real location tracking feature on your phone, immediately all this information will be stored by google. And you can easily review your time schedule by visiting the linhk below.


Google knows what you have found

Search history on all your devices is retained by Google even though you have cleared your search history.

Users can view their search data by visiting the link below.


This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked Picture 1This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked Picture 1

Google has your advertising profile

Based on your personal information such as location, gender, age, interests, occupation, concerns, relationship status, weight and income . Google has created a profile for serving items Advertising purpose for you personally.

To view your own data, you can visit the link below.


Google knows all the applications and extensions you use

Information about every application and extension you are using is stored by Google. Since then, Google can know the location, frequency and audience you use these applications. Specifically, Google can know exactly who you talk to on Facebook, what time do you go to sleep, .

Visit the link below to view your data.


Google has all your YouTube history

By keeping all users' YouTube viewing history, Google can know many things about you as a conservative or advanced perspective, whether you are about to give birth or not, you have depression. or do you intend to commit suicide .

Visit the link below for your YouTube tracking information.


The data Google has about you can fill millions of pages of Word documents

Users can download the data that Google is hosting about themselves at the link below.


According to a Guardian reporter, he downloaded the data and was stunned when it came to 5.5 GB, equivalent to about 3 million pages of Word documents. It contains all your bookmarks, emails, contacts, files in Google Drive, photos taken on your phone, online purchases, chat sections in Google Hangout, location history, songs Listen, the phones you've ever had, the pages you've shared, .

This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked Picture 2This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked Picture 2

Facebook also knows everything about you

All messages, documents sent and received, games played, your videos and photos, song repositories, search history, browsing history, every time you log in, log in , when and on what device is stored by Facebook. Also, based on what you "like" and what you and your friends have to say, Facebook also keeps all the information it thinks you might be interested in.

Even Facebook can invade your webcam and microphone at any time.


The Guardian reporter was extremely surprised when he received a data block of 600 MB (equivalent to about 400,000 pages of Word documents) after choosing to back up the personal information Facebook is storing to himself.

See more:

  1. These are 5 interesting social networks for those who want to give up Facebook
  2. Want to know what surprise Facebook holds about you, visit here
  3. These are all the data about you that the websites you visit collect
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