When we use the Android platform, we have a lot of advantages of setting a background image, especially a wallpaper that automatically changes over time. Wallpaper changes over time will make us more novel workspace and less boring when we use the phone long term. In this article, Software Tips will guide you how to change wallpaper automatically over time on Android phones.
Step 1: You proceed to the home page to download the software and use it. This is a software developed by Vietnamese so the entire language of the system will be Vietnamese very easy to use.
Homepage: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=viet.dev.apps.autochangewallpaper
Step 2: After the installation is complete, you launch the software to use. You proceed to select the Albums tab to create photo Albums by clicking the "+" sign. After that, you proceed to name the Albums and click OK .
Step 3: Once you've created your Albums, click on the "+" sign to select the images you want to use as your wallpaper to automatically change. After making your selection, press the "V" button to finish.
Step 4: When the image is finished, click the Start button to set the image as the wallpaper. If you want to change the image manually, select Next image to transfer photos.
Step 5: Finally, you select the Settings tab so we set some content as follows: Time to change the background image, background brightness, and some other settings . The whole setting is Vietnamese You can read which one suits your needs.
In this article, Software Tips showed you how to change wallpaper automatically over time on Android phones. Have a nice day!